Why I Support Bernie
Sanders for President, Part 2
By George Oeser
To recap: I have been living in the Netherlands. The time I have spent here has allowed me to see, first hand, what happens when a country takes a different path than America: To see the results of certain policies and programs with my own eyes instead of just watching what one talking head or another with a particular agenda has to say on TV. I have been surprised by many of the things I have seen here, and my mind has changed on several issues. It has affected who I will be voting for. I hope you can find this information valuable to your own decision making process.
People in the Netherlands work hard and take risks, not because of a lack of a
safety net but because a strong safety net exists. In America, if you start a
new business and it fails, you can lose everything. This prevents many people
from starting a new business or trying to turn their ideas into great new
inventions. The rewards may be great, but the risks are just too high. In
Holland, you know that if your business fails you at least will still be able
to feed and house your family and send your kids to college. This makes taking
risks much more worthwhile. The entrepreneurial spirit is very much alive and
well in Holland.
In Holland, almost everyone speaks English extremely well, along with their native Dutch and often times German and French as well. This allows the Netherlands to be very competitive in the global market. This is only possible because the Dutch place great importance on education. Schools are well funded; teachers are well paid; higher education is kept affordable. All of this allows the Netherlands to be a center of high tech industry and a world leader in innovation.
In Holland, almost everyone speaks English extremely well, along with their native Dutch and often times German and French as well. This allows the Netherlands to be very competitive in the global market. This is only possible because the Dutch place great importance on education. Schools are well funded; teachers are well paid; higher education is kept affordable. All of this allows the Netherlands to be a center of high tech industry and a world leader in innovation.
Dutch education system is amazing. Children go to schools that are funded by
the government but normally run by private organizations. Often times these are
religious organizations or civic groups that are required to meet government
regulations while at the same time being allowed to bring their own culture
into the educational process. Higher education is also funded by the government
through a series of exceptionally high quality universities and technical
schools. Higher education is not free, but costs are regulated so that everyone
can afford to get an education if they choose to.
need well-educated people to compete and lead in the world today. America is
falling behind in this area. Sure, we have of the best paid college presidents
and coaches in the world, but many students can’t afford college or are forced
into crushing debt to attend, and our country has suffered as a consequence.

in the Netherlands are pretty much just as productive as workers in America,
but American full time workers put in an average of 46.7 hours a week while
Dutch workers average just 29 hours per week. Think about overtime pay and
regular pay combined—are American companies really saving money by paying their
employees less and offering them fewer benefits?
I know what many of you are thinking: “What about taxes?” It is true that taxes are considerably higher in the Netherlands than in the United States, no doubt about that. But to stop the conversation there wouldn't tell the entire story. You have to compare the cost against the benefits. For example, if someone could move into a city and be closer to work, have more free time and spend less on fuel because of a shorter commute, spend more time with their family, get an extra hour of sleep every day, and generally live a higher quality of life, but they refused to do so because their rent would go up by 10%, something they could easily afford, you would think they were crazy. Americans should think the same way about taxes.
I know what many of you are thinking: “What about taxes?” It is true that taxes are considerably higher in the Netherlands than in the United States, no doubt about that. But to stop the conversation there wouldn't tell the entire story. You have to compare the cost against the benefits. For example, if someone could move into a city and be closer to work, have more free time and spend less on fuel because of a shorter commute, spend more time with their family, get an extra hour of sleep every day, and generally live a higher quality of life, but they refused to do so because their rent would go up by 10%, something they could easily afford, you would think they were crazy. Americans should think the same way about taxes.
taxes in the Netherlands are higher, but they result in lower healthcare costs,
lower educational costs, lower transportation costs, a higher quality of life,
and many other benefits that greatly outweigh the higher tax rates. The problem
isn't high taxes—the problem is feeling
like you get nothing in return for your taxes. In America, we could lower our
taxes by 90%, but if we didn't feel like we were getting anything for our money
we would still think our taxes were too high. This is why the higher taxes
aren't a big problem in the Netherlands. They feel like quite a bargain.
the national government of the Netherlands is quite strong, it does not hold
all of the power. Local governments, the sections of the government closest to
and most connected to the people, have considerable power. The national
government may provide funding to local governments that has to be spent on
roads or on education or on cultural initiatives, but the municipalities get to
determine how those funds are specifically spent in their areas. This allows
tax money to be spent in the most effective ways possible so it can benefit the
largest number of people.
As I mentioned earlier, I believe that we could learn a tremendous amount from a country like the Netherlands, but so far in the presidential race it only seems one candidate has paid attention to these lessons. Bernie Sanders has stood up for workers and American families. He supports policies that will benefit the middle class and help the poor work their way out of poverty. He is the only candidate who is not being supported by billionaire donors who want to maintain the current policies that are benefiting them in the short term but destroying America over time. This means he is the only candidate who can act on these lessons because he isn't beholden to the 1%.
As I mentioned earlier, I believe that we could learn a tremendous amount from a country like the Netherlands, but so far in the presidential race it only seems one candidate has paid attention to these lessons. Bernie Sanders has stood up for workers and American families. He supports policies that will benefit the middle class and help the poor work their way out of poverty. He is the only candidate who is not being supported by billionaire donors who want to maintain the current policies that are benefiting them in the short term but destroying America over time. This means he is the only candidate who can act on these lessons because he isn't beholden to the 1%.

Bernie Sanders is the only candidate who wants to help America live up to its potential, and he is the only candidate who will be able to do anything other than simply serve the desires of the wealthy. Bernie Sanders is the one candidate who really understands and supports the American dream. That's why I support Sanders for president.
Bio: George Oeser is a photographer, born and raised in Tennessee but currently living in the Netherlands. He spends much of his time thinking about how much he misses good Southern food. His web site: George Oeser Photography
Thank you for taking the time to address many of the concerns I hear when I discuss Bernie with people. Hopefully this will open the eyes of those who are stuck on our old way of doing things.
ReplyDeleteIt is good to hear how things work in other parts of the world, isn't it? Americans get stuck into ruts way too easily, IMO, and by opening our eyes and looking at other examples of how to address the ordinary citizen's needs, we can learn much. Change can be tough for many folks, but life is all about change. Let's make some changes for the better, USA! Vote Bernie Sanders! #FeeltheBern #Bernie2016
ReplyDeleteI think it does take a spell of living in another country to open one's eyes to the problems of home. Seeing another way of doing things helps establish a new line of thought. Hopefully it'll lead to ways of solving problems inherent in American society. Bernie Sanders' ideas are similar to those already in practical use in Holland and the Scandinavian countries, all of which have quality of life standards in the world's top ten.