Tuesday, February 4, 2025

They Did It Again (And Again...)


They Did It Again (And Again...)

by C.A. Matthews


Example 1: Christmas in February

The postmark read December 19, 2024. We received the Christmas card this past week. In previous years we received mail from my husband’s cousin in less than a month’s time. What was so different this time?

Two Christmas letters that I’d mailed out the first week of December came back “return to sender” a little over week ago. Is there some new rule that says that these letters must sit in bag somewhere inside a post office for almost two months before being returned to the sender?

What gives with the US postal service? If you’re blaming Trump for the lousy mail service, you’re only half right. Sure, Trump appointed Louis DeJoy as Postmaster General during his first term, but I mailed these letters (and others in the past four years which have been delayed and lost) during the Biden administration. Who served as Postmaster General under Biden?

You guessed it—it was Louis DeJoy and it still is.

If Louis DeJoy was installed by Trump to wreck the USPS so Congress would be tempted to shut it down and turn it into a private mail delivery corporation instead of a public one, then why did Biden never attempt to appoint another Postmaster General? I’ve received tons of emails these past four years from various organizations saying we should all write our Congress members as well as President Biden pleading to work toward changing the USPS board so it could offer a replacement for DeJoy.

The thing is, DeJoy knows exactly what he’s doing. He’s doing as our real rulers want him to do. And Biden didn’t want to upset the rulers, so DeJoy remained in office.

DeJoy’s bosses are not the president and Congress. His bosses are the oligarchs (or billionaires) who control everything because they essentially own everything—up to and including the presidency...


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This article is the 505th blog posting of The Revolution Continues. We began in June 2015, and we're still going strong. Please keep reading, sharing, and subscribing to help TRC continue for another ten years.

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Tuesday, January 28, 2025

If You Give A Billionaire Some Power…


If You Give A Billionaire Some Power…

by C. A. Matthews

“If you give a mouse a cookie… He’s going to ask for a glass of milk.” From If You Give A Mouse A Cookie (read aloud on YT) youtu.be/TRtSJ5Zu4MM?si=qYyJh-0FRHZKbgPK

“If you give a moose a muffin… He’ll want some jam to go with it.” From If You Give a Moose a Muffin (read aloud on YT) youtu.be/PBIXvlO_RBs?si=kMnOX7F-epy4kXSm

My daughters absolutely adored these picture books when they were little. The mouse or the moose keeps asking for more and more things until the human characters’ whole world becomes one big chaotic mess. They’re funny, cautionary tales, but mostly they’re just plain good ol’ toddler/early reader entertainment.

Somehow these children’s stories instantly sprang to mind upon watching excerpts of Donald Trump being sworn in as president this past week. While the children’s stories are adorable and silly, there’s nothing particularly adorable about Trump and company and their chaos. Their silly parts are equally annoying, too.

I find the best way to handle a Trump presidency is to ignore the man. I did it from January 2017 to January 2021. I just didn’t watch or listen to Trump on TV or online, and I still don’t. I will read about his actions or watch others discuss whatever insane thing he said that day, but I won’t listen to his voice or look at his face if I can avoid it. In that way, I keep my already high blood pressure from going any higher.

This method works well for me. I stay informed, but at a distance that is comfortable for my sanity. If you haven’t tried this ignoring technique of dealing with Trump, I highly recommend it. If you find that you really do miss listening to the dunderhead after a few days, then you can always switch him back on and watch and listen to him live to your heart’s content.

I don’t tend to write much about Trump, either. Sure, he’s bound to pop up now and then like a silly mouse or moose asking for baked goods in whatever I write for the next few years, but he is seldom the “main character” of any story I’ll tell.

Why is that you ask? It’s because I sincerely believe Trump isn’t the main character or protagonist of anything...


To discover why Trump isn't the big deal he likes to think he is, please continue reading the rest of this article by copying or clicking on this Substack link: 


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This article is the 504th blog posting of The Revolution Continues. We began in June 2015, and we're still going strong. Please keep reading, sharing, and subscribing to help TRC continue for another ten years.

You can make a donation at https://paypal.me/camatthews or at Buy Me a Coffee or at Ko-fi. Every little bit helps since this is my only source of income. Thank you.


Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Swords Into Plowshares

Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day. (Happy Black History Month, too.)

It does seem funny wishing a good day in honor of a late great American (assassinated by our own security state), but what else can I say?

I suppose I could say “Happy Inauguration Day!” but some folks would have a complete and utter meltdown if I dare mention Donald Trump being sworn in as president for a second time. So, I won’t say that, but what could I say instead? Maybe: “Trump is living in the White House again. Get use to it”?

I find it interesting how most of the individuals I know who have constantly worried and fretted over or made fun of the “Orange Man” won’t live any differently whether Trump is president or not. They still have their white privilege. They still live solidly middle- to upper-class lives. They will keep their jobs or be able to retire as planned. This is in complete contrast to the poor people that Dr. King spoke about frequently who struggled to pay their bills and never once considered retirement to be possible...


And now a short excerpt from our guest blogger's piece: 

Swords Into Plowshares 

by Coast Watcher

...Instead of scrapping one or both of the huge and expensive super-carriers Britain could instead donate them to the United Nations for use as disaster relief ships. Able to travel quickly to wherever they’re needed, each carrier could house dozens of search-and-rescue helicopters and other aircraft. Current hangar space below decks can be repurposed as hospitals equipped for emergency surgery, storage space for medical supplies, food, water, disaster relief equipment, tents and anything else required in a disaster relief operation. The ship’s nuclear power plant can be hooked up to shoreside facilities to provide electricity wherever local power generation has been damaged or destroyed...


Please continue reading the remainder of these two essays by copying or clicking on this Substack link: https://therevolutioncontinues.substack.com. There you'll see related article and video links, all the graphics, and be able to leave comments. You can become a free or paid subscriber and receive weekly posts in your email box, along with occasional special articles just for paid subscribers, too.

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This article is the 503rd blog posting of The Revolution Continues. We began in June 2015, and we're still going strong. Please keep reading, sharing, and subscribing to help TRC continue for another ten years.

Feel free to make a donation to us at https://paypal.me/camatthews or at Buy Me a Coffee or at Ko-fi. Every little bit helps. Thank you.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

“We’re All Sad About Tom.”

“We’re All Sad About Tom.”

(A Brief Explanation of Why Things Are F’ed Up and What We Can Do About It)

By C. A. Matthews

“We’re All Sad About Tom,” the announcement posted on the Burger King kitchen wall begins solemnly, “But going to his funeral won’t bring him back. No time-off will be given. Thx.”

This short, emotionally tone-deaf message neatly sums up all that is wrong, all that is heinous, all that is cruel and totally f’ed up in Western society, particularly the United States of America. And in its cruel depths lie the seeds of our redemption.

Who is “Tom”? Obviously Tom was a Burger King employee. Tom was a low-paid service worker in one of a million fast food restaurants that litter the planet. Tom has since passed away, but whether his demise was job related or not we don’t know. All we know for certain is that Tom will no longer be reporting to work.

This means one very important thing: the Burger King restaurant where Tom worked is now short an employee.

This means that the remaining employees will be forced to pick up the slack. Whether or not this means it will be a permanent or temporary shortage of employees for the restaurant is unclear, but the late Tom’s position at the time the announcement was written doesn’t appear to have been filled yet.

The next line clinches the employee shortage situation: “But going to his funeral won’t bring him back. No time-off will be given. Thx.”

If you’re confused about the meaning of that line, here’s a different translation...

To read that translation and discover ways we can fix our problems, please continue reading this article by clicking on this Substack link: https://therevolutioncontinues.substack.com. There you'll see related article and video links, all the graphics, and be able to leave comments. You can become a free or paid subscriber and receive weekly posts in your email box, along with occasional special articles just for paid subscribers, too.

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This article is the 502nd blog posting of The Revolution Continues. We began in June 2015, and we're still going strong. Please keep reading, sharing, and subscribing to help TRC continue for another ten years. 

Feel free to make a donation to us at https://paypal.me/camatthews or at Buy Me a Coffee or at Ko-fi. Every little bit helps. Thank you.

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Of Psyops and False Flags

Let’s start the new year off with a leisurely stroll along the beach and a bit of nonsense from a classic poem. Somehow, it just seems very appropriate.

‘The time has come,' the Walrus said,

To talk of many things:

Of shoes — and ships — and sealing-wax —

Of cabbages — and kings —

And why the sea is boiling hot —

And whether pigs have wings.'

—excerpt from The Walrus and the Carpenter by Lewis Carroll

Of Psyops and False Flags

by C. A. Matthews

This first of the year’s disturbing news in New Orleans and Las Vegas reminded me that I hadn’t written a “book report” on a fantastic book I finished reading recently. JFK and the Unspeakable by James W. Douglass is a book everyone should read thoroughly and keep on their bookshelf for quick reference whenever things in the world start to seem too nonsensical or too coincidental to be quite true. Often you’ll find that there are no such things as “coincidences” and that the truth is out there, and it has nothing to do with aliens or UFOs (UAPs).

Who or what is the Unspeakable

To learn about the Unspeakable and to see how the coincidences seem to be part of a larger pattern, please continue reading this article by clicking on this Substack link: https://therevolutioncontinues.substack.com. There you'll see related article and video links, all the graphics, and be able to leave comments. You also can become a free or paid subscriber and receive weekly posts in your email box, along with occasional special articles just for paid subscribers. 

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This article is the 501th blog posting of The Revolution Continues. We began in June 2015, and we're still going strong. Please keep reading, sharing, and subscribing to help TRC continue for another ten years. Thank you.

Feel free to make a donation to TRC at https://paypal.me/camatthews or at Buy Me a Coffee or at Ko-fi.


Tuesday, December 31, 2024

2024: Monsters Revealed


2024: Monsters Revealed

by C. A. Matthews

Every genre of fiction has its purpose. While the horror genre is far from being my favorite, even I can see it has its uses. In a horror film, we see true evil and learn who the real villains are and what sort of monsters we’re up against. The plot of a horror movie usually revolves around fighting against the monsters, sometimes losing, but sometimes winning. In the end, the Blob is defeated. The teen slasher is himself slashed. The vampire gets a wooden stake through the heart.

If there was one genre that sums up the world’s happenings in 2024 it would be the horror genre. To be more precise, 2024 has been a first-rate, B-grade monster movie where the monsters and their terrorizing actions have been revealed for all to see. There’s no doubt who and what the monsters are, and what we’re up against in the new year. It’s now up to us to survive the coming horrors and to take out as many monsters as possible before they get us.

If there were such an award, I’d award The Monster of the Year title to US Secretary of State Antony Blinken. (For more on Blinken’s “winning traits” read Liar, Liar! World’s On Fire!) No one person encapsulates everything that is so purely evil simply for the sake of evil than Antony Blinken does. Sure, soon-to-be-former President Joe Biden and Bibi Netanyahu are in the top three, but Blinken is the ultimate monster in the fact that there’s no good reason he should lie as monstrously as he does, as much as he does, but he does. He just can’t seem to help himself...


To learn more about the monsters of 2024, please click on this Substack link: https://therevolutioncontinues.substack.com. There you'll see related article and video links, all the graphics, and be able to leave comments. You also can become a free or paid subscriber and receive weekly posts in your email box, along with occasional special articles just for paid subscribers. 

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This article is the 500th blog posting of The Revolution Continues. We began in June 2015, and we're still going strong. Please keep reading, sharing, and subscribing to help TRC continue for another ten years! Thank you.

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

The Peace Tree

The Peace Tree

words and photos by C.A. Matthews

I have a thing for Christmas trees. I love to decorate them and collect ornaments from all over the world. Come the twelfth day of Christmas (Epiphany) on January 6, I’m compelled by the “social norm” to take down my tree* and store it and the decorations away until next December. (Who is this “Norm” and why is he always raining on my parade? Not very “sociable” of him.) The empty space in my living room where the Christmas tree once stood makes me sad, so I began a new tradition.

I put away the tall tree and put up a shorter, table-top sized tree* in its place. I decorate it with ornaments symbolizing love (after all, Valentine’s Day is in February) and peace. The past couple of years the little tree has become not a mere Christmas tree substitute but a “Peace Tree” dedicated to world peace.

I leave the Peace Tree standing as long as there is conflict anywhere on the planet. You guessed it—the Peace Tree hasn’t been put away for quite some time now. In the summer, I move it upstairs where I stand it on top a short bookcase in our bedroom. We put a window a/c unit in the downstairs window, and the little tree could get blown over if it stayed put, but it isn’t taken down. I see it every day, a reminder that humans are still warring with each other somewhere on the planet. We need world peace, and we needed it yesterday.

This holiday season I decided to give the Peace Tree a makeover...


To see more photos of the Peace Tree--and to read a poem excerpt by Maya Angelou and the rest of this article--please click on this Substack link: https://therevolutioncontinues.substack.com. There you'll see related article and video links, all the graphics, and be able to leave comments. You can also subscribe and receive the weekly blog post in your email box. 

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Happy Holidays—Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Solstice and a good Kwanzaa and peace to you and yours. May we all plant “Peace Trees” and together reap a harvest of goodness some day soon.