2024: Monsters Revealed
by C. A. Matthews
Every genre of fiction has its purpose. While the horror genre is far from being my favorite, even I can see it has its uses. In a horror film, we see true evil and learn who the real villains are and what sort of monsters we’re up against. The plot of a horror movie usually revolves around fighting against the monsters, sometimes losing, but sometimes winning. In the end, the Blob is defeated. The teen slasher is himself slashed. The vampire gets a wooden stake through the heart.
If there was one genre that sums up the world’s happenings in 2024 it would be the horror genre. To be more precise, 2024 has been a first-rate, B-grade monster movie where the monsters and their terrorizing actions have been revealed for all to see. There’s no doubt who and what the monsters are, and what we’re up against in the new year. It’s now up to us to survive the coming horrors and to take out as many monsters as possible before they get us.
If there were such an award, I’d award The Monster of the Year title to US Secretary of State Antony Blinken. (For more on Blinken’s “winning traits” read Liar, Liar! World’s On Fire!) No one person encapsulates everything that is so purely evil simply for the sake of evil than Antony Blinken does. Sure, soon-to-be-former President Joe Biden and Bibi Netanyahu are in the top three, but Blinken is the ultimate monster in the fact that there’s no good reason he should lie as monstrously as he does, as much as he does, but he does. He just can’t seem to help himself...
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