Monday, May 27, 2024

Shutting Down The Bullies

"We Have Blood On Our Hands" (original painting by Caitlin Johnstone)

Shutting Down The Bullies

by C. A. Matthews

Israel to Punish West Bank After 3 More Countries Recognize Palestinian State

Blinken suggests the World Food Program could be defunded to protect Israel

Indeed, there is no comparison: Israel's crimes are far worse than Hamas'

Israel Massacres Children, Which The Western Press Says Is Fine

What do the above headlines (articles) have in common? If you guessed “Israel,” you’re partially correct. If you guessed “Israel’s Zionist actions”, give yourself a point. But if you said, “These articles show how Israel’s Zionist actions are used to bully, intimidate, and frighten others into giving into their unreasonable demands,” give yourself ten points and an aspirin.

Why the painkiller? It’s because you know just how much of a headache Zionists can be and how big a migraine their sycophantic lap dog, the US, is as it conspires with Israel in its genocidal rampage against the Palestinian people while providing cover for them on the international scene.

Notice how I’m not limiting Israel’s intentions to strictly wiping out the population of Gaza. The first article will tell you that no person of Palestinian heritage is safe in the West Bank as well, and the second article shows you that the US isn’t afraid to withhold food and starve people worldwide in order to protect their “ally”.  

Or is that the Americans’ “battleship” in the Middle East? One wonders how friendly any country can be with such a bully as the ethnostate of Israel. It certainly stinks of an abusive relationship with a side order of sadism thrown into the mix, especially when you considered what Israel did to the USS Liberty in 1967. Not a healthy relationship for sure.

I’ve given a new moniker to Zionists who use the antisemitism card to excuse their violent tactics: zio-bullies. It goes well with my term for those who suffer from “zionarcissism.” (Read all about it here.) The zio-bullies are led by Benjamin “I’m calling the shots when it comes to violently shutting down college protests” Netanyahu with major assistance from the de facto leader of the United States Antony “Get a load of my high up Zionist connections” Blinken.

Genocide Joe “the Butcher” Biden is only serving in a support role at this point in time, as his recent incoherent babbling while addressing a crowd demonstrates. He still thinks he saw photos of beheaded babies back in October, an incident proven to never have happened. Well, not until recently, that is, when mass graves filled with the bodies of patients—including tiny incubator babies—were discovered at the bombed-out Al Shifa Medical Center in Gaza. Perhaps Joe was given an explanation of what Netanyahu’s zio-bullies were planning, and he got confused into thinking it had already happened?

If you’ve ever dealt with bullies before—and anyone who has ever attended K-12 schools in person in the US probably has—you know there’s only one way to shut a bully down. You refuse to give in to their terror tactics. You don’t stay quiet about their abuse. You snitch on them to the authorities and inform the public what the bullies are up to and shame them for their violent actions. You don’t suffer in silence or pay the bully off to prevent them from attacking you again because that will only encourage the bully to keep doing what they have been doing all along.

What does this mean in regards to Israel and its “buddies” like Blinken who cover for their war crimes? It means that we keep sharing information about their zio-bully actions. We share this info as widely and as frequently as we can. We share it online and in person via discussions, demonstrations, and protests. (Last week's post was on this topic, “To Proclaim Loudly”.) We don’t hold back on not reporting their atrocities in hopes the zio-bullies will learn their lesson and have a sudden change of heart. That kind of tactic won’t work.

Why won't it work? Well, it's simple: A zio-bully doesn’t have a “heart” or a conscience to begin with. Face it, how can a greedy racist who intends on wiping out the entire indigenous population of Palestine and stealing their lands and resources possess a conscience? How can an IDF solider who shot a ten year old on a bicycle in the back of the head look at herself in the mirror? If zio-bullies had even the inkling of a conscience, it would bother them all the time, and they wouldn’t be doing such horrendous things.  

So, there’s no need to feel shy or guilty about snitching on these evil bastards. Keep sharing their war crimes and horrible policies with everyone you know and then some. The light of truth needs to shine into the zio-bullies’ darkest corners until it kills all the malevolence growing there like sunshine kills mold on contact.

Yeah, I just compared a bunch of murderous sociopaths with mold. Please forgive me, mold. I still enjoy bleu cheese crumbled into a salad from time to time.
American zio-bullies like Secretary of State/President de facto Blinken and most members of Congress are also in need of some bright lights shown into their despicable lives. I’d line them up under klieg lights and do a thorough interrogation until they confessed how much money AIPAC has given them and what other naughty things they might have gotten up to on Jeffery Epstein’s Lolita Express and private island that Mossad is holding over their heads. I’d also make them give back their Israeli passports before they pull a stunt like former US spy Jonathan Pollard did to flee justice and stop paying taxes. (

Of course, American zio-bullies Blinken and the others wouldn't be able to do the heinous things they're doing in the first place, like providing bombs to Israel to commit a genocide, if they didn't have henchmen. I'm talking about America's IDF-trained militarized police departments, cops who have been taught to crack open heads of protesters first and don't ask questions later. In fact, the cops are even allowing zio-bully vigilantes to do some of the head cracking for them. How neighborly of them!

And with the zio-bully cooperatives in the US mainstream media, all this violence is dismissed as easily as The Atlantic magazine can say legally killed child to describe the mass murders of children by the Israeli forces raining fire down upon a refugee camp in Rafah filled with families sleeping in tents.

Considering their love of violence, dare we consider fighting back against zio-bullies through means of physical force? Sometimes violence is the only language a bully understands. The last eight months have revealed how the zio-bullies aren't willing or able to stop their genocidal destruction of Gaza. The Netanyahu regime has always turned a blind eye toward Israeli settlers’ violence against the indigenous population in the West Bank as well. If exposing their war crimes and embarrassing them in public doesn’t stop zio-bullies, perhaps we will be forced to use their kind of bully tactics against them in return until they get the message.

However, fighting back doesn’t always have to be conducted through the use of military might. It can include intense economic sanctions and boycotts of Israel's products and services. The BDS Movement has been a thing for some time now, but it hasn’t shut down apartheid Israel yet. Perhaps the boycott/divest/sanction movement needs to be put on steroids to increase its effectiveness? Every country on the planet needs to quit doing business with Israel, not just a handful—no exceptions.

The student encampments in solidarity with the Palestinian people have been working hard to get their individual college campuses to divest from Israeli corporations, and it’s working. There have been some big successes within the University of California system. We need all Western schools of higher learning to do likewise.

Protesters with the group Palestine Action shut down Israeli military contractor Elbit Systems in Leicester, England, and were able to make their case to a judge and be let off charges. Think if we could replicate their success a hundred-fold. Good-bye zio-bully war machine!
Shutting down Elbit Systems and the like is going to make the military-industrial complex billionaires antsy. Israel is one of the biggest distributors of armaments in the world. Can you believe it? A place the size of New Jersey with a zio-bully population not much more than New Jersey is distributing killing machines and ordinance to everyone and anyone who will pay them hard cash.

That’s why I find it rather disingenuous of Israel to claim it’s “afraid” of everyone in the Middle East and needs to commit a genocide of the Palestinian people in order to 
remain safe. It’s been selling its Arab neighbors armaments for years! And tell me who has successfully invaded them since the Zionists took Palestine away from its original inhabitants in 1948? Buehler?

Zio-bullies are a strange lot. Manipulating others and hiding their motives about what they’re actually doing (not what they say they’re doing) seems to be their thing. They apparently enjoy causing endless chaos if it gets them what they want. And what’s that? At the end of the day, all they really want is the indigenous people dead or gone so white Israeli settler-colonizers can steal 100% of the Palestinians’ land to create the perfect apartheid ethnostate.

“All for me and none for thee,” sums up the zio-bullies' motives. I guess that’s why they appeal so much to the rulers of wannabe apartheid states like the US. Imagine how turned-on Blinken, Biden, Sen. Lindsay Graham and others must be thinking about getting rid of all us Americans who are the wrong race, wrong religion, wrong gender identity, wrong politics… They probably figure if their “ally” the Israelis can commit a genocide, why can’t they?

I doubt zio-bullies really know what to do with themselves if they aren’t constantly playing their zionarcissistic victim card. Theirs is not a mentally healthy society. Don't stand too close to them because their sickness is contagious. 

And ultimately terminal. It's time to shut them down. Permanently. By any and all means necessary. Today.

Related Articles and Other Interesting Links

Israel Massacres Children, Which The Western Press Says Is Fine

Norway, Ireland, Spain to recognise Palestinian state

Biden’s Rafah ‘red line’ is a green light for 'death and destruction'

No aid unloaded at US pier has reached Gaza: Pentagon

Israeli Military Accused of Genocide International Criminal Court

South Africa vs. Israel: ICJ Orders Immediate Halt to Military Offensive in Rafah

'We're Fed Up With It': Survivors of the USS Liberty Look for Answers 55 Years Later

Chris Hedges: The Slow-Motion Execution of Julian Assange Continues

Biden’s Response to Israel’s ICC Prosecution Is an Attack on International Law

The ICC reaffirms it’s Jan 26 order & has ordered the following measures:Israel must immediately halt its offensive military action in Rafah, maintain open the Rafah crossing to allow aid in  unhindered & allow access to the Gaza Strip for any commission inquiry.

PROOF Israel Is Not A Democracy!

‘We’re next!’ US senator warns about ICC

Jury finds Palestine Action activists NOT GUILTY over Elbit occupation

Germany deports 7 Ukrainian soldiers for wearing Nazi symbols

Dr. Jill Stein interviewed on George Galloway's MOAT podcast

Biden fears ‘huge Jewish influence’ – White House aide

Jewish Scholar's Book Reveals Zionism's Fascist Roots & Close Collaborative Role With Nazi Regime

UN expert @FranceskAlbs- western media have manipulated language to build an unprecedented, sanitised cocoon around the #Israeli regime, to obstruct accountability.

Harvard Students Stage EPIC Commencement Walkout

Inside USC Annenberg’s Commencement, Outside the “Free Speech Area”

UCLA attackers exposed: meet the violent Zionist agitators LA police haven’t arrested

If You Can't Even Elect A Candidate Who'll End A Genocide, How Real Is Your "Democracy"?

Meanwhile, We're Still WAY Too Close To Nuclear Armageddon

Untenable investments: Nuclear weapon producers and their financiers

Republican bill aims to give Americans in Israeli military same benefits as US soldiers

Like So Much Else, The Fuss Over 'International Law' Is Really About Narrative Control

The actions of the ICC and ICJ are useful only insofar as they help disabuse people of the delusional belief that western powers care one iota about international law, and in that they make it clear to the whole world that Israel and its powerful western allies are openly violating the rules they pretend to stand by.

‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 230: Israel Lashes Out at West Bank in Wake of ICC Request

It's Actually Amazing How Stupid The Propaganda Is Getting

China & Russia strengthen friendship, blasting Western 'neocolonialism' & US militarism 

Fantastic Song: Jordan Smart -- Who Would Jesus Bomb? 

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Monday, May 20, 2024

To Proclaim Loudly

I don't know if there has ever been a time comparable to this one, where we are seeing people for who and what they really are. There's nowhere to hide anymore. You're either with God or you're with the devil and his legions. You either support children being stripped naked, having their hands tied behind their back, and executed or you don't. There's no middle ground. And whatever side a person is on has become abundantly clear to everyone around them. The masks are off.  --Mike Stone

To Proclaim Loudly

by C.A. Matthews

As the weeks turn into months, and the genocide in Gaza continues unabated, you really start to wonder: “Is it worth it? Is it worth protesting to a (mostly) uncaring audience that ethnic cleansing is wrong? Is it worth doing march after march after protest after protest after informational meeting after informational meeting when you’re essentially reaching the same folks (who were already pro-Palestinian) time and time again?”

It’s draining, and it’s frustrating, but what is the alternative? To give up? To stop caring about the plight of two million souls who are enduring the worse that humanity has to offer? And this isn’t the only place on Earth where people are being indiscriminately killed because of… Well, simply put, greed and prejudice. The Congo, Sudan, and Haiti come to mind. You can see the “why” of how Westerners can forget about the suffering of darker-skinned peoples. It’s not like the Western nations have never been racist against non-whites, but now the West has adopted the racism of Zionism as well. How open-minded of them!

Giving up on saving the lives of others will not save our lives, in case you’re leaning that way. If we stop caring for others, we will eventually stop caring for ourselves and our loved ones. You can’t just turn off the tap of compassion for one part of humanity and expect love to flow to the rest. It doesn’t work that way. Ask an addict. When you use chemicals to kill the pain and stop feeling those uncomfortable emotions, it doesn’t just stop the negative feelings. It shuts down all your feelings. And how can you love others when you’re not even loving yourself through the abuse of substances or engaging in destructive habits? Answer: You can’t.

The United States of Israel is one such addict.

The US has become addicted to greed itself. We hoard others’ natural resources such as land, fossil fuels, copper, cobalt, platinum, uranium… The list goes on ad infinitum. Our powers-that-be have perfected the use of racism and fear of others in their quest to steal others’ natural resources. They promote racism and fear of others in their divide and conquer tactics within our country. With all of us at each others’ throats, we will never have enough energy to go after those who are truly our enemies, the capitalists and their minions.
You don’t have enough to eat? It’s those people down the block or the country across the globe from yours who are “stealing your food.” Go fight them for it, but forget all about blaming the rich and powerful who control food distribution. Forget who are manufacturing the false narrative that your fellow workers are at fault. Somehow it’s never the fault of the wealthy who own everything. Remember you should never tax the “job creators” and make them pay their fair share of taxes… Trust the Trickle Down Theory implicitly! It will eventually trickle down some wealth to you and yours in perhaps three to four hundred years.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t expect to live that long.

The bottom line is we can’t give up. We can’t give up on the Palestinians, the Congolese, the Sudanese, the Haitians...or ourselves. To give up on any part of humanity is to give up on the whole of humanity.

To give up on humanity is to give up on any chance we have of turning the climate crisis around. It’s to give up on seeing your children or grandchildren grow up to take the reins away from the greedy and prejudiced powers-that-be who are currently screwing us and the planet over.

So, what can we do on days when all we can think about doing is throwing in the towel? On days when all we want to do is to stop caring so much about others because it hurts? On days when we could just walk away from this struggle called life and not miss it? There’s only one thing we can do: We have to give ourselves new marching orders.

We take it to the streets again. And again. Because...
If our struggle was hopeless their propaganda would be unnecessary. Keep Going.
We keep proclaiming the truth of what’s happening—loudly. We keep marching in protest parades even when threatened with mace, rubber bullets, tear gas or a night in jail. We keep sharing the truth of things even when others refuse to listen and shun us or shame us. We don’t need their approval, after all. Our consciences approve of us and our actions. And these stone-hearted fools really do need to hear us.

They really do understand there is a genocide happening in Gaza, but they’re afraid of us knowing that they do. They’re scared of acknowledging their part in perpetuating the official narrative that there is no genocide. They have become slaves of the corrupt system. In their fear they’ve locked themselves into the cycle of Zionist lies thinking they'll stay safe, not realizing that losing their souls is a prison worse than hell itself.

Poor pitiful things! This is where the “proclaim loudly” part comes in handy.
We simply don’t shut up. We don’t shut down. We keep repeating the reality of our messed up world over and over again because these sell-outs to the Zionist lie are both stupid and stubborn. But we can act pig-headed, too. With so many innocent lives at stake, why should we waste precious time playing their silly “Shut up, you’re hurting our feelings” game?

Saving lives, the planet, and our souls comes well before anyone-who-is-okay-with-babies’-faces-being-blown-off-by-US-provided-bombs’ “feelings”. These narcissists need a wake up call to reality, not our coddling. Let me put it bluntly: F*** the feelings of all greedy zionarcissists! It time for you to grow up and think of the welfare of others, you self-centered morons!

It's freeing when you give yourself permission to keep marching with heads and flags held high. And no, not the flags of the military-industrial complex lackeys, better known as the US and its NATO allies. We fly the flags of truth, liberty, revolution, freedom and peace for all humankind. Wave those flags proudly and raise a fist and shout loudly!

Let’s keep encouraging one another as the days drag along and it seems like there’s no end in sight to the bombing, shooting, starving, and suffering of innocents. It is our duty. We are their witnesses. We are their bringers of hope. We may even be their bringers of salvation in time. And we’d want them to do the same for us when our time of suffering comes.

Power to the people!

Related Articles and Other Interesting Links

Chris Hedges: Israel’s Willing Executioners

Please Stop Saying Israel Is an “Ally” of the United States — It Is Not.

Israel Orders Evacuation in Rafah, Hours After Raiding Al Jazeera Offices

Police Brutality “Made in Israel”

US Army Officer Resigns Over ‘Unqualified’ Support for Israeli Slaughter in Gaza officer-resigns-over-unqualified-support-for-israeli-slaughter-in-gaza/

Jewish Biden Appointee Resigns from Interior Department Over Gaza Slaughter

The Genocide Case Against Israel Before the World Court Just Got Much Stronger

Report: Israel Has Bombed Known Aid Worker Sites in Gaza at Least 8 Times

Biden’s Shifting ‘Red Line’ Allows Israel To Keep Getting Away With Murder

Biden won't turn his back on Israel because he is just as fanatical as Netanyahu

ICC prosecutor seeks arrest warrants for Netanyahu and Hamas leaders for war crimes and crimes against humanity

'Dark Times' As Renowned Israeli Historian Ilan Pappé Detained, Interrogated By FBI

The Nakba: All you need to know explained in five maps and charts

UCLA attackers exposed: meet the violent Zionist agitators LA police haven’t arrested

13% of 2020 Swing State Biden Voters Won’t Be in 2024 Because of Gaza: Polls

Booing of Israeli Singer Covered up by Eurovision

The US Empire Deliberately Stokes Hatred And Violence In The Middle East

Orf vs. The Memory Hole: When Israel Bombed AP's Gaza Office 
Assange Wins Right to Appeal on 1st Amendment Issue 
Why You'll Never Achieve The American Dream
“Unprecedented” – CO2 Rising 10 Times Faster Than Any Time in Recorded History 
For those who think Biden is "soft" on immigration: 

"...The Biden Administration seeks to engage in the type of politically-motivated action that the Refugee Convention and 1980 Refugee Act sought to eliminate. For the above reasons, such action would violate the intent of Congress, our treaty obligations, and over two centuries of U.S. case law." Proposed Asylum Bar Regs Are At Odds With International Law (And Why That Matters)

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Monday, May 13, 2024

Changing The World

Changing The World

by C. A. Matthews

“If you think we can’t change the world, it just means you’re not one of them who will.” --Jacque Fresco

The last two hundred plus days have been difficult. But, every once and a while, there is a glimmer of hope. There is a light shining through the haze of the seemingly endless bombing in Gaza. Not everyone supports this genocide. Not everyone buys into the sociopathic narrative of the Israelis and their bought-off Zionist agents in the West.

In fact, every day there are more and more people who are speaking out against the war crimes the IOF (Israeli Occupation Forces) are perpetrating against innocent Palestinian civilians. Our university students are leading the way in protest against the entrenched, bloodthirsty establishment. Cops are using rubber bullets, mace, and nightsticks against them, but the students are holding fast. They truly are heroes in these dark times.

BGSU students protest in downtown BG

And we should follow their lead.

Change is scary, but sometime it’s necessary. This is one of these times. The world cannot remain the way it is, stuck in the sickness of capitalism’s endless wars to steal resources (oil, land, rare earths) from native peoples. The world cannot remain under the control of full-fledged psychopaths who’d rather foul our air, land, and waters to generate another billion dollars in profit than to preserve what remains of our beautiful Earth by practicing prudent and fair methods of resource management. The world cannot remain in the hands of sociopaths who believe that ethnic cleansing and immigrant-scapegoating are legitimate, moral activities to handle human conflict.

The world will not remain a livable place much longer if these activities continue. And so our university students—our heroes—are taking the lead at pointing out the evils of the status quo at the risks of their studies, their careers, and their lives. We should do all that we can to promote their cause and boycott the industries, institutions, and individuals that are selfishly driving our planet toward its death throws.

One student eloquently summed up the meaning of the student protests in a short interview:

University Of Chicago Student States: "There Are Things That More Important Than My Academic Future"  and also

Another student gave testimony to her school’s board of trustees on how their investments into the military-industrial complex aren’t what the students and faculty want:

Speaking Truth to Power: Rutgers Student Confronts School Leadership Board

And Columbia University social work graduates got their points across during their graduation ceremony:

Bold, aren’t they? I
find them refreshing in their moral courage, don't you?

More nominees for an "Aaron" award!

This is what I mean when I say these university students are our heroes. They valiantly clear away the cobwebs of the fascistic narrative spin offered up by government spokespersons and present the facts to us in a rational and moral fashion. Genocide is no longer to be considered an “option” or a “choice” or a “defense tactic” or a way for your university to make money. It’s just plain mass murder. It’s horrific ethnic cleansing. Anyone who can’t intuit that profound truth is a very sick individual and needs to be locked up for their own good as well as for the good of society.

Perhaps we should install padlocks on all the doors and rubber mats on the floors and walls that line the Capitol Building and the White House to keep all the AIPAC-owned lunatics inside to prevent them from starting World War III?

BGSU students and others on Main St.
After seven months, one would hope that more celebrities would come crawling out of their golden bubbles to protest the criminal actions of Israel. But being threatened with dropped contracts for their music or having their juicy parts in big Hollywood productions axed are considered more important to most entertainers than helping save thousands of innocent lives from being butchered by the Israeli military. 

Rapper Macklemore is an exception. He has written a rap song declaring the reality of what the students are protesting about while simultaneously exposing the shallow narcissism of celebrityness. (All proceeds from the song are being donated to UNRWA, too. Nice touch, Macklemore.)

audio only

Written and Produced by Macklemore

The people they won’t leave
What is threatening about divesting and wanting peace?
The problem isn’t the protests it’s what they’re protesting
Cause it goes against what our country is funding
Block the barricade until Palestine is free
Block the barricade until Palestine is free
When I was 7 I learned a lesson from Cube and Eazy E
What was it again? Oh yea fuck the police
Actors in badges protecting property
And a system that was designed by white supremacy
But the people are in the streets
You can pay off Meta you can’t pay off me
Politicians who serve by any means
AIPAC, CUFI and all the companies
You see we sell fear around the land of the free
But this generation here is about to cut the strings
You can ban Tik Tok take us out the algorithm
But it’s too late we’ve seen the truth we bare witness
We’ve seen the rubble the buildings the mothers the children
And all the men that you murdered and then we see how they spin it
Who gets to the right to defend and who gets the right of resistance
Has always been about dollars and the color of your pigment
But White Supremacy is finally on blast
Screaming free Palestine until they’re home at last
We see the lies in them
Claiming it’s anti-semitic to be anti-zionist
I’ve seen Jewish brothers and sisters out there and riding
In solidarity and screaming free Palestine with ‘em
Organizing, unlearning and finally cutting ties with a
State that’s gotta rely on an apartheid system
To uphold an occupying violent
History been repeating for the last 75
The Nakba never ended, the colonizer lied
If some kids in tents, posted on the lawn occupying the quad is really against the law
And a reason to call in the police and their squad
where does genocide land in your definition huh? destroying every college in Gaza and every mosque pushing everyone into Rafah and dropping bombs
The blood is on your hands Biden, we can see it all
And fuck no I’m not voting for you in the fall
Undecided, you can’t twist the truth
The people out here united never be defeated when Freedom’s on the horizon
Yet the music industry’s quiet complicit in their platform of silence
What happened to the artist what do you got to say?
If I was on a label, you could drop me today
And be fine with it cause the heart fed my page
I want a ceasefire fuck a response from Drake
What you willing to risk?
What you willing to give?
What if you were Gaza? What if those were your kids?
If the West was pretending that you didn’t exist
You’d want the world to stand up
And the students finally did
Let’s get it

The title of Macklemore’s song, Hind’s Hall, comes from the “renamed” Hamilton Hall on the campus of Columbia University. Here’s a short bio of who Hind was in case you don’t know:

Hind Rajab was a 6-year-old girl from Gaza. In January 2024, she and her family were shelled by the Israeli army while in their car. Hind and her 15-year-old cousin, Layan Hamadeh, were the only survivors, trapped within the car. They called the Palestinian Red Cross Society, with Layan saying, “They are shooting at us. The tank is right next to me. We're in the car, and the tank is right next to us.” The PCRS sent a team to rescue them. However, after 12 days, on February 10, when the Israeli army withdrew from the area, Hind Rajab and her six relatives were found dead in the car, along with the two paramedics sent to rescue them, who were also found dead nearby, victims of Israeli snipers.

The Columbia students renamed the building in honor of a frightened little girl left to die of her injuries and starvation all alone beside the corpses of her family members who earlier succumbed to their wounds. The perpetrators of this heinous crime will probably never be charged or prosecuted for what they did, but the students of Columbia immortalized Hind Rajab by renaming a building in her honor. Macklemore is spreading Hind’s story worldwide through his gift of music. May Hind’s remaining family and friends find some solace in knowing that she will never be forgotten, and that not all Westerners were oblivious to their suffering.

This is heroism. This is changing the world for the better. These are the people we should follow and imitate.

Block the Hollywood celebs and the Grammy winners online who can’t even be bothered to hold a concert to raise money for UNRWA. They won't even bring about public awareness to the genocide in Gaza by chatting about it on the red carpet or the talk show circuit or their X feeds.

To quote Macklemore: “I want a ceasefire! F*ck a response from Drake!”

The students are changing the world. Follow their lead. Free Palestine.

Related Articles and Other Interesting Links

Blood on Biden’s Hands: The invasion of Rafah MUST be stopped

University Of Chicago Student States: "There Are Things That More Important Than My Academic Future"

University Students in Mexico Launch Gaza Solidarity Encampment, Call for BDS


'HIND'S HALL' OCCUPATION / Hind Rajab’s Mother Reacts To Student Protests

Opposing The War Machine Is Cool Again, And The Empire's Getting Nervous

Students Demanding Divestment: You’re On The Right Side Of History

Speaking Truth to Power: Rutgers Student Confronts School Leadership Board

Thousands of U.S. Students Arrested While Israel Invades Rafah

Chris Hedges: The Nation’s Conscience

Campus Protests Are Fighting Militarism and Corporatization at Home and Abroad

USC President and Provost Censured After Faculty Senate Vote

Empire Managers Explain Why This New Protest Movement Scares Them

Listen to the Students

Universities Have Failed Their Democratic Mission by Repressing Gaza Protests

Israel Shuts Down Al Jazeera Operations In The Country

There’s Only 1 to 3 Days’ Worth of Food Left in Gaza, World Food Programme Warns

Israeli Prisons Subject Palestinians to Constant Torture, “Revenge”

Jill Stein EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW - Why Ending the War on Gaza Means Breaking From Biden

Why 9 in 10 American Zionists Are Actually Christians

Support for a Permanent Ceasefire in Gaza Increases Across Party Lines

When Opposing Genocide Is Seen As Radical, Radicalism Becomes A Moral Imperative

Every single hostage exchange Hamas offered Israel since October

Over 100,000 Gazans flee Rafah as UN warns 'no aid in sight'

Jill Stein on an Egyptian TV news program (with an endorsement)

The CIA and Zionism: A Complex History

USA & Israel defy world in vote to make Palestine full UN member

Can No One Tell Me the Name of an Israeli Woman Who Was Raped by Hamas on 10/7?

Using A Fictional Antisemitism Crisis To Support A Real Genocide

When Your Rulers Ignore Voters But Are Terrified Of Protesters, That Tells You Something

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Monday, May 6, 2024

All Cops Are [Expletive Deleted]

All Cops Are [Expletive Deleted]

by C.A. Matthews

I really hate slapping a label onto a particular group of people, but sometimes the label just fits.

After watching videos and reading stories about what the police of various cities/countries have been doing to university students and faculty members who are attempting to hold down peaceful anti-genocide encampments, I can’t come to any other conclusion. The cops are not our friends. The cops are not there to protect and serve the public. The cops are there for one reason and one reason only.

That reason is to protect and serve their non-empathetic, zionarcissistic, capitalistic masters who are afraid that We the People are getting close to taking them out and shutting down the war machine to make endless profits.

Their tactics give them away. Teresa Watanabe observes:

200+ pro-Israel counterprotestors are attacking the UCLA pro-Palestinian encampment. They started beating on one student and stomped another under a plywood board per LA Times’ Safi Nazzal on the scene. Where is UCLA security?

Good question. Campus security and the city cops seem to be working side-by-side on allowing vigilantism to terrorize the students. The cops are definitely not on our side but, even worse, they’re actually aiding and abetting acts of violence against peaceful protesters.

From Natasha Lennard’s article I’ve Covered Violent Crackdowns on Protests for 15 Years. This Police Overreaction Was Unhinged

A lone Trash can lay on its side at the intersection of W. 139th St and Amsterdam Ave in Harlem, in front of the gates of the City College of New York.

At around 11 p.m. on Tuesday night, this was the extent of damaged property that I witnessed outside the college campus. At the same time, New York Police Department officers in riot regalia had amassed in their hundreds, including members of the Strategic Response Group — a unit dedicated to public unrest and “counterterrorism.”

More police had stormed through the school’s neo-Gothic gates less than an hour before, at the behest of the college’s president, to arrest protesting students en masse.

Twenty blocks south, police had locked down and barricaded all streets in a two-block radius of Columbia University, brutally arresting students inside the inaccessible campus.

Between Columbia and City College, over 200 protesters — almost all students — were arrested before the night was out.

There are many more examples of “unhinged police” actions that have taken place on college campuses across the country. Why would peaceful protesters trying to do a good deed by bringing justice and awareness to the plight of the Palestinians invoke such violent responses? Why are cops allowing Zionist vigilantes to beat and injure students with their blessing? Who is calling the shots here?

I think you know who. (Watch a video with Bibi giving the orders.) Netanyahu ordered the cops to squash the American campus encampments, and his puppet Joe Biden went along with it willingly. Biden's campaign staff is trying to make him look like a “kinder, gentler genocide-enabler who is also tough on crime” in this an election year. It’s better to let Netanyahu take the heat and pretend it’s all his idea than let Geriatric Genocide Joe draw more attention to the fact that he hasn’t been calling any shots lately.

But it’s even worse than a demented commander-in-chief not leading compassionately when it comes to policing campus protests. Treasonous Americans are actually causing violence against our students with the blessing of the police and perhaps even a foreign government. I bet you know which foreign government that is, too.

From The Grayzone:

Rebecca Weiner is a Columbia U. professor who also serves as intelligence director of the NYPD. Mayor Eric Adams credits her with spying on anti-genocide student protesters and directing the militarized raid that dislodged them from campus. (...)

During a May 1 press conference, just hours after the New York Police Department arrested nearly 300 people on university grounds, Adams praised adjunct Columbia professor Rebecca Weiner, who moonlights as the head of the NYPD counter-terrorism bureau, for giving police the green light to clear out anti-genocide students by force. (...)

Weiner “develops policy and strategic priorities for the Intelligence & Counterterrorism Bureau and publicly represents the NYPD in matters involving counterterrorism and intelligence.”

The NYPD’s Counterterrorism Bureau currently maintains an office in Tel Aviv, Israel, where it coordinates with Israel’s security apparatus and maintains a department liaison. Weiner appears to serve as a bridge between the Bureau’s offices in Israel and New York.

The Zionist government of Israel obviously is in charge of American security—particularly when it comes to policing college campus protests. The New York Police Department even maintains an office in Tel Aviv, Israel—that’s not a neighborhood in Brooklyn, either. Strange how the NYPD bows so easily to the wishes of a foreign government without a care to the welfare of its own citizens. Then again, most large city police departments throughout the US have had their officers trained by programs either conducted or originated by the Israeli Defense Force (IDF).

Perhaps that explains how the cops in New York and Los Angeles had no problems with pro-Israel vigilantes beating up on peaceful college students. The Israelis aren’t known for objecting to the abuse and torture of others or for protecting free speech. They’re experts on the use of deadly violence against civilians as we’ve seen these past seven months in Gaza and the West Bank.

It’s probably part of the IDF’s training to teach American cops like Rebecca Weiner to see their fellow Americans (such as the college students) as lesser beings, such as animals, who are only fit for abuse and imprisonment. It’s how the Israelis see the Palestinians. Israeli government officials have said as much on camera more than once.

American cops trained to think of pro-Palestine protesters as less than human. What could go wrong?

Indie journalist Michael Tracey adds: 

Rebecca Weiner, head of the NYPD "counter-terrorism" bureau, identifies one of the threats that supposedly necessitated the Columbia raid: "Mainstreaming of rhetoric associated with Terrorism." No question this is recasting political speech as "Terrorism." She also blames TikTok.

Rebecca Weiner, an adjunct professor that the students at Columbia would have trusted spied upon them, then turned over the information to the police units that violently stormed their symbolic occupation of Hamilton Hall, a building which was also taken by students in a 1968 protest against the Vietnam War. The students trusted Weiner, and she consequently betrayed them and had them beaten and arrested.

Judas Iscariot looks like your favorite great-auntyou know the one, your auntie who makes your favorite chocolate chip cookies and knits you warm fuzzy sweaters for Christmascompared to this Weiner woman. How can a traitor like Weiner live with herself knowing how much she has hurt these kids and their futures? And for what? To further the Zionist plans of Israel in the USA? Or is it the United States of Israel now?

Fortunately not all professors are as traitorous or vicious as undercover cop Rebecca Weiner. Annelise Orleck, Head of Jewish Studies at Dartmouth, was banned from campus for six months for trying to protect her protesting students from riot police. (Watch it here: )

So, for every traitor like Weiner, there’s a hero like Orleck. Of course, Professor Orleck has been harshly punished for her compassion, but somehow I doubt she regrets her actions. The students at Dartmouth were lucky to have her on their side.

Is there anything the students of Columbia can do to fight the injustices that their pro-Israel university directors have inflicted upon them? Yes, there is.

From the Twitter/X thread that starts here:

BREAKING: The Department of Education has announced that Columbia University is under federal investigation for anti-Palestinian discrimination and harassment. Palestine Legal is representing four Palestinian students and Columbia Students for Justice in Palestine.

“The law is clear— if universities do not cease their racist crackdowns against Palestinians and their supporters, they will risk losing federal funding” said senior Palestine Legal attorney Radhika Sainath

This comes less than 48 hours after Columbia President Shafik called in the NYPD, which violently arrested and brutalized dozens of student protesters, some with guns drawn, using sledgehammers, batons, and flash-bang explosives.

“Palestinian students at Columbia deserve justice and accountability, not only for Israel’s decades-long oppression and violence against our people, but for the racism and discrimination we’ve experienced here on Columbia’s campus,” said Mayam Alwan.

Palestinian students have dealt with immense repression and a hostile campus environment. A complainant received a conduct notice for stating her family was bombed in Gaza. Read the full complaint here:

The owned-and-operated-by-Israel Columbia University and the racist, traitorous cops of the NYPD aren’t going to get away with their crimes if the justice system allows the students to sue. That’s a very big “if” considering how infiltrated the US apparently is by Zionists. Who really knows how many American judges are under Israel’s direct control?

A silent coup d’etat of the US by Israel has occurred, and it didn’t happen overnight. This shows you just how long the Israelis have been setting things up to guarantee America’s support before they started in on their genocide of the Palestinian people. This so-called Israel-Hamas War is premeditated mass murder. This is exquisitely planned ethnic cleansing. Nothing was left to chance. 

The Zionists knew then and know now what they're doing in Gaza is illegal under international law as well as being utterly heinous and immoral. They knew it would more than likely cause huge protests around the globe, but they still keep doing it. Bombs are raining down on Rafah and thousands of innocent Palestinians are running for their lives from this supposed "safe place" even as I type this sentence. Shutting down student encampments won't change anyone's mind who has already determined that this is a genocide.

Natasha Lennard sums it up well:

Israel’s decimation of Gaza has — at least for millions more people — given lie to the redemptive myths of the post-World War II political liberal order. Young people, even the children of the elite, even children of Zionists, are standing with Palestine. Their peaceful acts of protest count as disruptive because they count as un-American — which should be a badge of honor amid a US-backed genocide.” —I’ve Covered Violent Crackdowns on Protests for 15 Years.This Police Overreaction Was Unhinged.

Are all cops in the US working for the Zionists’ agenda? Maybe not. There is at least one outlier.

Denver’s Police Chief Ron Thomas declined to clear the students’ pro-Palestine encampment at Auraria University because he felt to do so was a violation of their rights to peaceful protest. Chief Thomas’ refusal to arrest the students is impressive. He actually sees the protesters as human beings, not animals, and worthy of having the rights guaranteed under the First Amendment of Constitution to free speech. We can only hope his actions are copied by others.

But if we continue to see police violence against peaceful students and flat-out refusal to honor the pro-Palestine protesters’ rights of free speech on university campuses—or street corners—across the US, then the old saying will still apply. The label will stick. You know the one I'm alluding to:


Seen on Twitter/X from Fadi Quran:

Every student protesting should know these three things: 1. You are a ray of hope for Gaza: Every person I’ve spoken to in and from Gaza has told me they were losing hope in international solidarity, until these protests started. They said the encampments are their main (for many the ONLY) source of hope now. 2. Your pressure is working: Despite what the US government is saying publicly, under the table these protests have forced them to urgently pursue a ceasefire, including significantly increasing pressure on the Israeli war cabinet. 3. Boards of Trustees across campuses are now divided, with some shifting towards divestment, and asking themselves the question of: Why risk everything to protect weapon companies and war criminals? Given this rising impact, different tools of deception and oppression are going to be used to shut down your momentum. Maintaining your eyes on the prize, your unity, coherence of messaging and the moral high ground are central. You are at the forefront of the struggle for freedom and dignity. Millions across the world have your back. Until Victory.

Oxford and Cambridge Universities in the UK, and Copenhagen University in Denmark have also set up Palestine solidarity encampments.

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I’ve Covered Violent Crackdowns on Protests for 15 Years. This Police Overreaction Was Unhinged.

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