silence of good people is more dangerous than the actions of bad people. --Martin Luther King Jr.
Happy Independence Day. These photos are of wide awake Americans taking action and not keeping silent. They are speaking out on the current state of health care in the USA and what can be done to ensure all have access to it. They held a recent rally in downtown Toledo, Ohio and made their voices heard to their community and their elected representatives.
That very afternoon, they learned Republican Senator Rob Portman (one of the thirteen on the Senate health care committee) had come out on the record as not being in favor of the bill as written. It's not a done deal yet, but it is encouraging to see that the actions and "non-silence" of good people can make a difference and sway a politician's vote until it aligns more with his constituents' wishes.
That very afternoon, they learned Republican Senator Rob Portman (one of the thirteen on the Senate health care committee) had come out on the record as not being in favor of the bill as written. It's not a done deal yet, but it is encouraging to see that the actions and "non-silence" of good people can make a difference and sway a politician's vote until it aligns more with his constituents' wishes.
But so many Americans just turn off their minds and allow themselves to be brainwashed into apathy. Even worse, they actually claim to support the perverted causes of evil rich men. How does this sort of thing happen? Read the next piece and share it with friends who might not realize they're falling for an elaborate brainwashing program orchestrated by a group that doesn't have our best interests at heart. Persuade them to consider the issues from all sides and put themselves in their fellow Americans' shoes--or wheelchairs.
We can't lose heart, and we don't want to lose our heart (empathy) like so many supporters of Trumpcare have. Speak out and share your own health care story with others. If the ACA has made a big difference in your life, your story might make another see things differently.
In order to give equal time to the
1%, The Revolution Continues blog occasionally publishes pieces to show our oligarch leaders' side of the issues. In the spirit of How to Build a Better Slave--er, Worker,
here is this week's offering.
Face it--the US is an oligarchy:
Face it--the US is an oligarchy:
1.) Start young--the younger, the better.
An excellent example of this is the
fossil fuel industry's attempt to indoctrinate elementary school children into
the beauties and joy of unabated petroleum consumption. What could be more
fun than fooling youngsters into destroying their planet and their possible
futures by reading them Petro Pete's Big Bad Dream and convincing them green energy is "bad"?

Follow up on young students' indoctrination in the upper grades with "free lessons plans for high school science teachers" from the Heartland Institute. These include a textbook called Why Scientists Disagree About Global Warming full of citations from the Heartland Institute’s own papers. The institute has received unfair criticism for decades for taking anti-regulatory positions on public policy beneficial to their corporate sponsors (such as Reynolds Tobacco and the Koch Brothers) while attacking scientific research that contradicts their policy stances, but it's all circumstantial. (They'll never find the pay stubs in our offshore accounts in the Cayman Islands--we've made certain of it.)
Of course,
commie-pinko detractors say all the Heartland Institute does is "take real
research deliberately out of context in an attempt to mislead people," and
noted climate scientist Micheal Mann has called
the science curriculum “so amoral it's difficult to put in to words.” But what
do we care? We own the politicians, and we'll soon own the souls of the under
twenty crowd, too.
Convince the sheeple (the 99%) that whatever we say is for
their own good.
This can be tricky, but it's not as difficult as it
sounds. We oligarchs are simply a superior breed of people. We
can out-think and confuse the sheeple at every turn. Take the recent universal health
care/single payer health care fiasco. S0me of the 99% (like Bernie Sanders) will argue that Trumpcare will kill thousands of uninsured/under-insured Americans per year and kick 23 million off of insurance they currently have through the ACA, but we know that
first figure is way too low. (It could kill upwards of 200,000+ in the next decade.) But let them rest easy and think they and their families
won't suffer--we know they will--just like we know Trumpcare is basically a great tax break for us at the top. (Heck, we deserve those millions in tax savings even if we're not paying any taxes now.)
How many sheeple will
bother to take the time to watch a short documentary that
explains the American health care situation simply and validates their cries of
"Medicare for All"? Answer: Very few, and we can always confuse any
of those tempted to learn more on the topic by posting a few good fake news pieces
on our media outlets claiming universal health care isn't in the public's best
interests. (Isn't that a laugh? Shows you just how dumb they are. Check out how obvious it is that Obamacare helps the health outcomes of the poorest in Texarkana, Arkansas, compared to similar folks right next door in Texarkana, Texas without Obamacare Medicaid expansion. There's cold hard fact staring them right in their faces, and Texans still voted for Trump. Stupid!)
So, whatever you do, do not allow your slaves
(i.e., "employees") watch Fix It: Healthcare at the Tipping Point online. We don't want to trouble their puny
little brains with facts, do we?
Of course, we all know Fox and
other media outlets we own put out utter nonsense constantly, but studies prove
poor ignorant crackers will believe anything a rich white male says. (It
explains Trump in a nutshell. This article shows how they'll even go along with the cruelty and switch off their brains for us--amazing!) Rich white men can lie and lie and lie, and as
long as they're wearing an expensive suit and tie, the 99% believes every word
they say. (The "Strict Father Worldview" it's called.) This has been proven true even if their homes are taken back by the
bank, their cars repossessed and their health care coverage ended for no good reason
other than we want to make more money off of them. (The stupid is strong in the
lower classes.)
Feel confident one-percenters! We've been using
this tactic for centuries against the 99% in America, and it works wonders. It helps
in particular to keep "people of color" in their place by constantly
stirring up jealousy and hatred in the poor white trash class who like to kiss our
butts to prove they're "white enough" to join our country clubs.
(We all know they can't, but isn't it a laugh to watch them try?) By defunding all
of their public schools--along the lines laid out by one-percenter Betsy DeVos recently-- we
prevent unusually intelligent, poor white trash writers like Jonna Ivin from being
able to verbalize our tactics and see through our smokescreen. (You gotta admit
it, she wrote a hell of a piece that explains our elite class's brainwashing
methods perfectly: I Know Why the Poor Whites Chant Trump, Trump, Trump)
Don't be afraid, brave oligarchs. We can shut her
type down easy enough by labeling them "socialists"
and "communists", and claiming, "God is on our side, and if he wants
poor whites, blacks, illegal Mexicans, gays and heathen Muslims to die, then it's his will."
Yeah, we can say these incendiary things and get away with it as long as we invoke
this "god" person frequently and blame everything we
do on his will. (Whoever the hell this "god" and his will
is, we don't care. We know billionaires are truly in charge of this world. We realize there's no need for a god of any kind but ourselves. The 99% don't get this and
never will.)
It's so easy to divide and conquer poor redneck hillbillies
and get them to work for us, roughing up the savvy intellectuals who have
caught onto our brainwashing tactics, especially if these smart asses are of a
darker skin color or different gender identity than your typical poorly
educated klansman. The white supremacists are the easiest groups in America to
brainwash since most have been brainwashed since birth to hate without ceasing
and to not be open to learning anything but more ways to hate others. The Klan
will never see they are more like the people they hate than they are like us,
the true gods of the world, the mega-wealthy.
Beware: Never allow the 99% to read anything by
Marx, Lenin, Bernie Sanders or Chris Hedges--or watch Lee Camp or Jimmy Dore on
You Tube, especially this interview where they discuss what's really happening in the world.
Never allow the 99% to discover Jesus commanded his followers to love everyone. It could make the mindless rubes stop fighting for us in our wars for natural resources and profits. We can't have them walking out of our cannon fodder factories whenever they see photos of decimated, bombed-out villages and dead babies, so always bring up that "God's will" bullsh*t and blame the deaths on the fact these villagers are heathen brown persons who don't deserve to live. We want the "ordinary Americans" to endlessly fight among themselves and against our "villain of the week" so we can continue to steal oil, minerals, land or other wealth from said villain and others. Remember, endless wars and squabbles are the best ways to keep the 99% ignorant of their lot so our brainwashing can take hold permanently.
Never allow the 99% to discover Jesus commanded his followers to love everyone. It could make the mindless rubes stop fighting for us in our wars for natural resources and profits. We can't have them walking out of our cannon fodder factories whenever they see photos of decimated, bombed-out villages and dead babies, so always bring up that "God's will" bullsh*t and blame the deaths on the fact these villagers are heathen brown persons who don't deserve to live. We want the "ordinary Americans" to endlessly fight among themselves and against our "villain of the week" so we can continue to steal oil, minerals, land or other wealth from said villain and others. Remember, endless wars and squabbles are the best ways to keep the 99% ignorant of their lot so our brainwashing can take hold permanently.
Use your vast wealth to influence sycophants in
office to do your brainwashing for you.
At the end of the day, you want your brainwashing tactics
to become sustainable--sort of like these Green Party types who promote sustainable
agriculture and sustainable green energy like solar power so the planet doesn't
heat up and kill off the 99%. Since we know we'll survive no matter what (and
at whatever costs--we can afford it, after all; we're billionaires), we don't
want the sheeple to get excited about having an actual say in their own governance.
They'd only want to enact sustainable environmental policies and fight for social
We want to keep the current inequalities in the
99%'s society and have them all fighting over clean water, air and food sources.
We want to keep a growing slave population (who works for practically nothing) in our
for-profit prison system. What better way to keep our hands clean of these
unsavory parts of our agenda than to train those eager for affection (a.k.a. politicians)
to do the hard work for us?
Bribing--or should we say lobbying--politicians gets them on our side with minimal effort. One recent example is California where we shut down their state single payer health care bill even when the majority of their legislature passed it.
Even more effective is the wholesale buying out of political parties or factions.
(Does it ever work! The election of 2016 proved it worked with the Democrats, didn't it? And you can't say it hasn't worked with the Republicans--they crafted Trumpcare, and all it took was a few "donations" from our friends in Big Pharma.) Once we have
the politicos eating out of the hand of the corporate cash machine, they'll
pass the necessary laws (or have them scrapped, such as the scrapping of the
Dodd-Frank banking rules) anytime we snap our fingers. Paid-off
politicians are more loyal and dependable than a Saint Bernard and have less
This is such a simple and easy brainwashing technique,
and it's almost undetectable by the 99%. We've worked hard to keep the American
public ignorant of true facts (via fake news) and made them apathetic to their
situation over the last forty years, that it works automatically now. The big
corporations always get their way, right? The "little guys" will get
rubber bullets and mace in their faces if they protest like they did at
Standing Rock, North Dakota. (Anti-Native American politicians did our bidding via the militarized
police/mercenaries for oil we set up there. So easy to encourage their hatred
of Indians!)
The ordinary, ignorant and demoralized American voter
simply stops voting and gives up and gives in. Problem solved for us; populace thoroughly
brainwashed and docile; less dissenters and people of color in the world; we
get the oil pipeline profits. You can't get any better than that, can you,
Of course, sometimes we have to force our flunkies
(political representatives) to work harder at keeping the 99% from wanting to
vote, wanting to change the corrupt system and make their country an actual
"democracy." (It's hysterical they think they live in a democracy,
isn't it? Didn't the DNC during the 2016 primaries demonstrate it's not?) That's
where our friends at Crosscheck come into play, suppressing those uppity minority
voters and purging voter rolls right and left of independent thinkers, preventing
any changes from occurring that we don't want. (Unfortunately, the 99% might have
caught on to us. That pesky investigative reporter Greg Palast has a lot to
answer for!)
The mindless rubes are still driving polluting, gas-guzzling vehicles, eating GMOed, processed fast foods and drinking $10 billion worth of bottled tap water every year. (Ha! What a scam!) They send their children to fight and die in our oil wars, and believe it's good for cops to kill black people for driving with a burnt out tail light and don't blink at depriving Native Americans the control of their own lands. They do all these deplorable things and more while thinking they live in a "free country," right?
I rest my case.
Now for some good news from Nina Turner and Our Revolution:
I am extremely humbled to announce a new chapter for Our Revolution.
Following a vote by the Board of Directors, I have agreed to become the
next President. Please watch a personal message from me about the next steps in our journey together.
From being a board member to now fulfilling the role of president of an
organization with you at our heart, I could not be more excited. There
is no doubt that we have the will of the people on our side. Let us lift
each other up and achieve what we've all been fighting for—ending
corporate greed, expanding health care coverage, and building an America
that is good and just for everybody.
In solidarity,
Nina Turner
Our Revolution
Our Revolution
From Climate Hawks:
On June 1, 2017, Donald
Trump announced his decision to pull the United States out of the Paris
Agreement, the ambitious global framework to tackle climate change
agreed to by President Barack Obama in December 2015.
How did Congress respond? We did the work to find out.
Here’s the good news — we
found that over 95 percent of Democratic members of Congress, both House
and Senate, expressed disapproval of Trump’s decision. Although we
expected to find cheers on the GOP side, we found that over half of the
House Republicans had nothing to say, and a handful even disapproved of
Trump’s decision.
But now we're at risk of
Trump's climate crime being forgotten. The best way to make sure
Congress takes the health of our climate seriously is to have their
constituents show that they’re paying attention to what Congress does.
We need to support our climate hawks, challenge the ducks, and criticize
the ostriches.
That means that your representatives need to hear from you! Please take a few minutes to take action:
1. Look up your Congressional officials’ Trump-Paris responses (two Senators, one Representative)
If you need to look up your representative, you can do so at the link below.
If you need to look up your representative, you can do so at the link below.
2. Tell your Congressional officials what you think
This link lets you look up the phone number of all of your officials’ offices, and includes a sample call script to thank, criticize, or ask for a response.
This link lets you look up the phone number of all of your officials’ offices, and includes a sample call script to thank, criticize, or ask for a response.
3. Email me back to let me know how it went.
I’m asking that you make the call
whether you have Democratic or Republican senators and representatives.
We are still in for Paris, and every politician in Washington needs to
know their constituents haven’t forgotten a matter as important as
global climate change. If they won't take a bold stand against Trump’s
climate denial, they need to know we will make them pay at the ballot
Your fellow climate hawk,
RL Miller
P.S. If it’s hard to reach
your Senators, that’s good news. It means people are calling Congress to
fight the Trump’s deadly agenda of padding billionaire profits at the
expense of our health, life, and liberty. We’ve joined forces with other
climate/environmental groups writing to the Senate to oppose Republicans’ attacks on public health.
Leaving Paris: Congress Responds to Trump, Climate Hawks Vote
Full Listing of Congressional Responses to Trump’s Withdrawal from Paris Climate Agreement
From Rainforest Action Network:
We warned banks, and they didn’t listen.
22 banks have just agreed to finance Kinder
Morgan’s Trans Mountain Pipeline expansion to the tune of $5.5 billion
Canadian. The expansion will be a disaster for
Indigenous rights and the environment. It would make the pipeline able
to transport more oil than either the Dakota Access Pipeline or the
Keystone Pipeline.
The Tsleil-Waututh, Squamish, Musqueam, and Sto:lo
First Nations, whose territories cover most of Metro Vancouver Area,
are among the nine First Nations and Tribes currently in litigation
against the project. The Coast Salish, Sto:lo, Nlaka'pamux, and
Secwepemc Nations, whose territories cover more than half the length
of the pipeline, have also filed legal challenges to the project. The
Treaty Alliance Against Tar Sands Expansion, which comprises more than
120 First Nations and Tribes, stands in committed opposition to all
tar sands pipelines crossing their traditional lands and waters, and
has called for an international campaign to divest from any financial
institution that funds them.
At the TD Bank shareholder meeting in March, Chief
Serge Simon of the Mohawk Council of Kanesatake said
"Coordinated Indigenous opposition from Quebec to
British Columbia to North Dakota will stop the Kinder Morgan oil
pipeline one way or another." But TD Bank didn’t listen
to this warning — instead they poured more money into the project.
They weren’t counting on resistance to tar sands pipelines across
North America growing stronger every day.
This pipeline would cut through the Canadian Rocky
Mountains, crossing and threatening countless watersheds that feed
into the Fraser River. It would dump out on the Burrard Inlet near
Vancouver, meaning a sevenfold increase in oil tanker traffic — from
five to 34 ships every month — threatening marine life, including the
endangered orcas of the Salish Sea.
The tar sands oil that this pipeline
would carry is one of the most carbon intensive fuels on the planet.
Studies show that the Trans Mountain expansion would add 8.8 metric
tons of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere a year — making
catastrophic climate change more of a reality every day.
And the existing Trans Mountain Pipeline already
has a disgraceful track record — 82 leak
incidents, including four major oil spills.
Your voice is needed more urgently than
For people and planet,
Senior Climate Campaigner
Rainforest Action Network
28 major banks warned not to finance Trans Mountain pipeline expansion, Rainforest Action Network
B.C. First Nations unite in fight against Trans Mountain pipeline, The Globe and Mail
Kinder Morgan Canada completes IPO for Trans Mountain Pipeline, FuelFix / The Houston Chronicle
Spill History, Trans Mountain
The tune of the Star Spangled Banner is that of an old English drinking song. It's appropriate since Trumpolini's antics are driving many to drink. Happy Fourth, America! Hopefully you'll survive to see another one.
ReplyDeleteYeah, it's time to sober up, America. Trump won't be gone in the morning when we awaken with a hangover. We've got to keep working for our rights. Health care is a human right!