"Socialism never took root in America
because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as
temporarily embarrassed millionaires..." --John Steinbeck

That's our theme this week, one I've been
pondering for some time. Some of my fellow bloggers wrote along similar lines recently, so
I recommend you check out their great pieces on the subject (links below). You will learn a
lot from their insights. (I did.) Read and share the information with others who continually
beat themselves up because they play by the system's "rules" and yet
they always seem to be penalized in the "game" and can't figure out what went wrong. Well, nothing went wrong--it's how the system works. To quote the late great George Carlin: "It's a big club--and you ain't in it." But we can change it through political revolution and staying awake and aware of how the system manipulates us.
From John Laurits's blog -- Children of the Great Recession: Will Millennials Ignite the Class War America Needs? https://www.johnlaurits.com/2017/children-great-recession-millennials-class-struggle/
The Price of Hellfire Missiles: Everything Americans Could Buy at the Cost of Drone Strikes & “Freedom” https://www.johnlaurits.com/2017/hellfire-missiles-drones-defense-spending-price/
From Dirk Droll's Beanstock's World-- We Better Don’t Overlook the Fundamental Enemy of Democracy and Justice https://beanstocksworld.wordpress.com/2017/05/11/we-better-dont-overlook-the-fundamental-enemy-of-democracy-and-justice/
Another good article: Trying to Explain the Disdain for Poor Americans https://www.nationofchange.org/2017/05/15/trying-explain-disdain-poor-americans/
Requiem for the American Dream by Noam Chomsky
And now in the spirit of "equal time"
(because, after all, alternative journalists believe in giving both sides of the story and not just snippets of propaganda for the ruling elite), here's
something for the "hard working" one-percenters out there having trouble getting us "lazy"
ninety-nine percenters to do as we're told.
How to Build a Better Slave, er, Worker
By following
this simple three step process, you'll be well on your way to making record
profits in no time and purchasing your twentieth yacht and fiftieth mansion or
private island resort you've had your eye on. Happy endless profiteering!
Step -- Education
Educate your
slaves as little as possible. Make higher education expensive and milk them
with high rates of interest on their student loans--preferably by appointing a
billionaire housewife to head the Department of Education whose family has a stake
in the student loan business. Encourage slaves to only learn skills you feel
appropriate or necessary to increase profits and nothing more by short changing public schools of federal funding, especially in poorer areas.
the teaching of critical thinking skills or how to "think outside the
box." This can be easily accomplished by ruthlessly slashing the funding for
the arts, such as classes for painting, literature and music, and the sciences (except for teaching
technical skills needed in your plants), since these liberal arts types of courses encourage the development of critical
thinking skills. Ridicule and belittle creative thinkers, and encourage your other
slaves to do as well. Squash all enthusiasm to better one's lot and help
create a better world. (What "better world"? They won't be able to obtain water without paying the Nestle Corporation outrageous prices for a tiny bottle before long.)
Second Step
-- Instill Apathy/Discourage Empathy
apathy in your slave toward his/her own lot in life and discourage all empathy
for fellow slaves. You want to create slaves who don't care about
improving their own prospects and who couldn't care less about the suffering of others.
These ideal workers can be treated poorly over and over again and will not speak
out or protest the abuse. Added bonus: Over time, abuse hardens the slave's
heart and makes him/her deaf to the cries of their fellow slaves. They simply
won't revolt or rise up because they simply don't want to disturb their dystopic
status quo. Their apathetic mindset tells them it's better to stick with the
horrible world they're familiar with than to strive for an unfamiliar world,
which may or may not be happier for them.
If slaves
should start to express anger about the depressive "dog eat dog" atmosphere
you've created to motivate them, don't let up. Don't allow them to think
they're "special" or entitled to "unalienable rights" and
can organize to overthrow their masters. Remind them constantly you can
replace them with cheaper overseas workers or, better yet, robotic ones. Nothing
assures cooperation more than a threatened shut-down of a factory or store or
educational institution (a.k.a. "learning factory for making profits").
Always, your bottom line is paramount, so go ahead and move your interests
offshore or install the robots as you've planned on doing all along--just don't let the slaves know your plans beforehand.
If slaves
begin to act out their frustrations against the system, start rumors about how one sub-section of slaves
are "stealing" jobs, food, benefits, etc., from the others. Try using
long held prejudices to divide slaves into antagonistic groups against
people of color, women and gays--these tactics work great. Differing religious preferences work well, too,
since you can use the "God excuse" to get them kill each other in His
name, saving you the trouble of doing so. Allow the slaves' pent up hatred and frustrations to escalate into
violence between slave groups, and you will have ample justification in sending
in militarized police to quell dissent. It's a tactic called "divide and
conquer," and slaves without critical thinking skills will walk right into
the trap, providing centuries of controlling conflict to keep the ruling
classes on top (where we all know they truly belong).
Third Step --
Bread and Circuses
This is
perhaps the best method to keep slaves distracted and silent about their futile existence.
Feed them just enough physically, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually
but not an ounce more. On a starvation diet of literal and
figurative junk food, the stamina and ability to think creatively and question
the morality of the system starves, which is what you want. You certainly don't
want slaves who think God loves them other than as exploited
workers for their "righteous" masters, the one percent.
Throw in
mindless entertainments emphasizing competition, non-cooperation and senseless
violence, and you've got your slave class just where you want them--constantly
bickering over "my team/sport is better than yours!" while you take
away their freedoms of free speech and net neutrality. "Reality TV"
showing buffoonery of other social classes make the slaves feel better about
their lot, so never let on that it's all manufactured and scripted and is about
as real as saying, "All men are created equal." (We know they're not.)
Video games
will take away valuable thinking time and keep slaves physically and
emotionally separated from their fellow slaves, crushing any budding
union-building ideas or the gathering of forces to start a political revolution
in their favor. Added bonus: Video games will increase hand/eye coordination in
some and make them into better drone pilots and "boots on the ground"
in the Military-Industrial Complex's endless war for oil and increasing
Sure, you
will lose some slaves in military conflict, but they're plenty more where they
come from. You will have removed their right to choose and stop providing any access
to affordable birth control by this point. Breed your slaves like cattle, and
you'll have an endless supply of "meat" for your purposes, even if
all you want to do with them is to hunt them down like the soon-to-be-extinct
white rhinoceros. The Nazis made lampshades out of human hides, so why can't
I hope as a
member of the one percent you take these steps to heart and practice
implementing them while denying them with a smile on your face. This is
especially useful is you plan to run for public office, but why put yourself
through that charade? It's just as easy to buy a slave/puppet to do your
bidding in government. Call up your lobbyist slaves and have them get to work
on it for you. Threaten to cancel their favorite Reality TV show or move their
favorite professional sports team to another city if they don't deliver the
goods. (You were going to do those two things anyway, weren't you?)
George Carlin gives We the People the low down. (Warning: Adult Language)
George Carlin gives We the People the low down. (Warning: Adult Language)

From the March for Science: We’ve spent the last couple of weeks crunching the numbers and using crowd science techniques to make an official estimate of the total number of participants in the March for Science around the world. We’re excited to announce that the March for Science events around the world amassed an unprecedented total of more than 1,000,000 marchers -- making the March for Science the largest global science event in history. The March for Science also included:
It’s up to ALL OF US to keep this incredible momentum going. Learn how to continue your advocacy by checking out a couple of these resources from our March for Science partners:
-- The March for Science Team |
You can dream about revolution but it will not come as long bread and circuses exists. Rome proved it. You can dream about socialism but it will not come as long as you discover equal human rights. Socialism well known today, was a cheat supported by the rich and was imported to Russia from the west. As the result of the conspiracy, the Left cannot improve. It has died. Here are some ideas that might rebirth it: http://www.sarovic.com/marxism.htm
ReplyDeleteGood points, Aleksandar. If we can get those darn video game phones out of peoples' hands and get them to kick their McDonalds/Starbucks habit, we might have a chance of getting through to them before it's too late. Power to the people!