The Government Would Do That
(Evidence collected by C.A. Matthews)
Perhaps the propaganda most Americans were indoctrinated in while growing up is starting to wear thin, but it still amazes me how many adults still believe the US government wouldn't do certain things that we attribute exclusively to the "bad guys" (e.g., "the Communists" or "Russia!").
"It can't be true!" some might say when confronted with an uncomfortable fact about our government, but there's plenty of evidence that proves it can be. Here are some examples of what the US government would do, has done, and will (more than likely) continue doing in our names.
On the historical front, we'd like to think that America is a land of "equal opportunity" and that all are treated well and have nothing to complain about. There are many who deny that slavery in the United States was all that "bad," and I've even heard arguments given on the "benefits" of slavery by whites. Some Americans might think "the Jim Crow laws" have something to do with migratory birds and that racism in America is not systemic, just personal. If so, how do we explain the destruction of Tulsa's Black Wall Street, and our government's lack of response to it and their denial of reparations to this day?
We'd like the US government to stop putting immigrant kids in cages, to stop preventing asylum seekers from entering the country, and to stop using archaic laws and scare tactics to prevent lawful immigration, but it's not happening. Here are some articles to prove it:
REMINDER: Yes, the kids are still in cages.
— Peter Daou (@peterdaou) May 30, 2021
We'd like our government to tax the rich, and share those proceeds with the majority of working Americans for the good of all, but it's not happening. In fact, just the opposite happens on a regular basis as the following video attests.
We'd like our government to be fair and honest and not lie about hijacking dissidents or cooperating with such nefarious activities, but they do. Award-winning journalist Glenn Greenwald tells us about several incidents of our country's regime change tactics in the following video.
We'd like to think the US is always on the "good guys" side of violent conflicts, but how do we explain what's happening in Gaza? This excellent documentary (below) shows you where our tax dollars have been going for years... to the Military-Industrial Complex and then on to the Israeli army in order to wipe out the Palestinian people.
Well, it's not like the US government has ever intentionally committed genocide before, right?
It's time to wake up the rest of the people who still believe the crap they learned from their fifth grade American history textbook.
I’ve just returned to the Cheyenne River Nation from the frontlines
of the Stop Line 3 movement in Minnesota. An incredible and growing
coalition — led largely by Indigenous women — has formed to put an end
to this pipeline, a grave threat to sacred lands and water. Like
Keystone XL would have, Line 3 is slated to carry huge quantities of
ultra-toxic tar sands oil through the homelands of Indigenous
communities. I genuinely hope you’ll join me and the rest of the Lakota
Law team in supporting this critical fight.
Please stand with the Anishinaabe Peoples and sign onto our petition to President Biden. Tell him to Stop Line 3 right now.
Every pipeline forced through our treaty territories — always, it
seems, without our consent — is an affront to our way of life and a
danger to our culture, our women and children, and the future for our
next seven generations.
My sister, Mabel Ann, joined me at the Line 3 protests this past week. We are ready to fight.
From a climate crisis standpoint alone, it’s a no-brainer that Line 3 should be a nonstarter. Line 3 would run more than 1,000 miles from Canada to Lake Superior, and its carbon impact would be equivalent to 50 new coal plants! It also directly threatens the water supply of 18 million people and the sacred manoomin (wild rice) fields of the Anishinaabe People.
If that weren’t bad enough, the pipeline is already perpetuating the ongoing epidemic of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women (#MMIW). So far, two contractors working on Line 3 have been charged with sex trafficking — no surprise considering that pipelines and the mancamps that house oil workers typically lead to increased sex trafficking, sexual abuse, and murders of Indigenous women, girls, and Two-Spirit People.
These are some of the many reasons why I, accompanied by my sisters, daughters and great granddaughters — and supported by a wonderful organization called 1000 Grandmothers — went to Minnesota to show solidarity. I’m so glad we did. We protested in front of the governor’s mansion and met with energized people in two camps, including some young activists from the Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa. They were grateful to receive our support as elders. When my daughter arrived at their camp, they told her, “Welcome home.”
I left for Cheyenne River with a resolve to do more. Now, our Lakota Law team is researching and reaching out to see how we can best assist. We’ll offer media support and organizing help — whatever is needed. We grandmas stand proudly alongside the young ones, our sisters on the frontlines, and everyone in this growing coalition.
We hope you will, too. If you feel called, I encourage you to join the fight in Minnesota for a week of action against Line 3, June 5-8. In the meantime, please tell the president: Stop Line 3 now.
Wopila tanka — thank you for your action and care!
Madonna Thunder Hawk
Cheyenne River Organizer
The Lakota People’s Law Project
Let’s be real. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced millions of tenants across the country to reckon with the violence of our housing system in new and profound ways. Thousands of us have been forced from our homes or to accrue devastating amounts of rental debt. And things weren't great for many of us, even before the pandemic.
One thing is clear: We as tenants don't have the power we need, especially compared to the people who own our homes.
That’s why we’re launching a campaign for a National Tenants’ Bill of Rights, a critical stepping stone on the path to our North Star vision, a Homes Guarantee. Our campaign will set the stage for a century of radical tenant organizing— establishing tenants as a political class, building the power of the tenant movement to win federal demands, and ultimately transforming the landscape of tenant organizing by enacting a National Tenants' Bill of Rights.
We know that the people closest to the problems are closest to the solutions, so our campaign will begin a period of radical imagination, engaging over one million tenants to write our own rights into law. That's where you come in.
Join us as we forge ahead to build the world we deserve. R.S.V.P. HERE.
In solidarity,
The Homes Guarantee Team
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