Join us as we're looking for America this week. We might even find it if we're lucky.
It's a family reunion of sorts here on The Revolution Continues. My fellow Bernie2016TV teammates and frequent contributors Bern Notice and Eddie Alvarado have each submitted an excellent piece for our enlightenment. Enjoy!
First up, Bern Notice gives us some useful information to help you decide where you might fall on the political spectrum.
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original meme by Bern Notice |
The Political Spectrum
by Bern Notice
There seems to be confusion on what a
progressive is these days. Sometimes it’s due to a how a candidate is
portrayed, or taking one individual's quote out of context and applying
it to a movement.
I think the best way to truly understand what
“progressive” means is to define what the other four ideologies are.
This way it gives better context for understanding the important
differences. Please note, the political ideologies are not always
reflective of a party.
Supports extremely limited government and unfettered capitalism.
(Socially: indifferent, Fiscally: right, Government policy: right) Best identified with Ayn Rand.
Supports limited but robust government with limited (conservative)
change from the original constitution and unfettered capitalism.
(Socially: right, Fiscally: right, Government policy: right) Best identified with Ronald Reagan.
No commitment to ideology. Independents run with what makes the most
practical sense by each individual issue. (Socially: variable by issue,
Fiscally: variable by issue, Government policy: variable by issue) Best identified with Ray Bradbury.
Support strong government with incremental change, and strong
capitalism with limited checks. (Socially: left, Fiscally: left,
Government policy: center left) Best identified with Bill Clinton.
and finally…
Supports very strong government with aggressive change and limited
capitalism strong oversight. (Socially: left, Fiscally: left, Government
policy: left) Best Identified with Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
In short, the break between liberal and
progressive is akin to the break between conservatives and libertarians.
Progressives are in line with with Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Bernie
Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
Liberals are in line with Bill Clinton, Barrack
Obama and Teddy Kennedy. Essentially it comes down to how much your want
the government involved in oversight and how rapidly you want the
change to occur.
BIO: Check out Bern Notice's informational articles like this one at Seeing Through the B.S. Currently he's blogging on each of the declared Democratic candidates for the presidency for 2020. Here's a list of the candidates he's covered (very thoroughly) so far:
Bernie Sanders:
Kamala Harris:
Andrew Yang:
Cory Booker:
Another Bernie2016TV colleague is looking for more than just a candidate to back--he's looking for America itself. Eddie's poignant essay touches on the anguish we feel when we can't find what we thought once was there.
It is
something we all do from time to time. We ponder about where is that
America we were told about when we were young. Many have found that
America. Unfortunately, a lot more haven’t. For many, America is the
place of opportunity. But it is too often the place only the rich can
afford. A place where its people want to work together to build each
other up, but it is often the rich and powerful who actively work to
keep us broken and difficult to put back together. To the apathetic,
awaiting their reality, it’s only the name of a Simon and Garfunkel or Switchfoot song.
used to be able to gather without the threat of being mowed down by the
extreme right whose views are so toxic that any opposition to their
abhorrent agenda constitutes a death sentence. We used to rise over
injustice when a fellow man was kicked to the ground--we used to pick
him up and fight for him. Any criticism of a certain group so invested in
kicking down a people wishing to be recognized as a state is now considered anti-Semitic. For merely mentioning this bully's crimes, not
the party who did nothing wrong, it is labeled that way. We’re looking for a place where we can
rise against lobbyists who work to kick people down. We’re looking for

We’re looking for a place where if you get sick you can see a doctor to treat you and not come away filing bankruptcy. We’re looking for a place where if you can get an education you can begin your career and attain your dream job, not dependent on nepotism, where if you fall on hard times there is an option to ensure you can pick back up where you left off to earn for your family because you paid your taxes. We’re looking for that place that doesn’t look blindly and believe crooks who say we can’t do it. We’re looking for those revolutionaries who said, “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.” We’re looking for America.
looking for the reasons for the death of
our dead overseas, and we learn that fighting for regime change
is wrong. We’re looking for the people who know that sending our family
members to die on foreign soil should be discouraged. We’re looking for the place where we not only
care for our veterans in speeches, but we care for our veterans by
action. We’re looking for the place where we know not to honor traitors
or racists who praised slavery and segregation. We’re looking for the
heroes who fought it not only on the battlefield, but in Selma, in
Chicago, in Alabama and anywhere in this nation.
We’re looking for
looking for a place that doesn’t reject science because of billionaires hellbent on earning an extra dollar. We’re looking for a
place that not only has concern for the unborn but has concern for the
people living in real time, a place where we’re helping disenfranchised
children born without a dollar to their name. We’re looking for
that place that remembers the people that aren’t seen on TV, the
ones who lost their jobs when their jobs were shipped off for cheaper labor.
We’re looking for America.
looking for a place while we count the cars on the New Jersey
Turnpike hoping there isn’t a dangerous pothole ready to take a person’s life.
We’re looking for a place that isn't falling apart because of
hubris. We’re looking for a place where we invest in not bombs but
roads. We’re looking for a place where we get rid of crime with education and not incarceration, where we can let our children enjoy
being kids and not afraid to step out of their house. We’re looking for
looking for a place which recognizes that “A nation rises above the
fear and fight that haunts these streets.” You’re looking for the place
that is ready to see change and not be indoctrinated by the elites
which work against them. We’re all looking for that red, white and blue
flag which tells us we’re in America.
Where is that place? Can we only conjure it up in our minds? Where is America?
Where is that place? Can we only conjure it up in our minds? Where is America?
We’re looking for America.
BIO: Eddie is a young activist who works hard for progressive candidates and causes he believes in. He lives and blogs in New Jersey.
BIO: Eddie is a young activist who works hard for progressive candidates and causes he believes in. He lives and blogs in New Jersey.
And thanks to a generous reader, we have a domain name. Please share the link:
Power to the people--not the corporations!
Let's keep looking for the real America!
The Revolution Continues
has been targeted by anti-progressive trolls and hackers. It's
difficult to fight against their blocks to prevent readers from sharing
our web site link since these trolls/hackers have access to corporate
cash. But you can help us out by donating to keep the blog ad-free and
functioning. The editor pays for internet, electricity,
etc., out of her own pocket, and she would like to be able to pay her
contributors, so your generous monetary gifts are appreciated.
consider donating a buck, $5, $10 or $20--any amount you can give to keep
this progressive site going. Help
us become a strong alternative voice protesting against the corrupt
establishment and its paid-off corporate mouthpieces. Give to TRC today. Thank you.
You can donate via Paypal at And thanks to a generous reader, we have a domain name. Please share the link:
Power to the people--not the corporations!
From Care2 Petitions: |
U.S. is making things worse in Venezuela. The threat of military
intervention certainly isn't helping. Even worse, sanctions imposed on
the country are crippling the economy and hurting the poorest
Venezuelans the most. Tell the U.S. Government to drop the sanctions.
Whatever you may think of the Maduro Government, the restrictions
imposed by the U.S. are counterproductive and laughably hypocritical.
Neighboring Colombia shares many of the same systemic problems of
corruption, yet they receive aid, not sanctions. That's because
Colombia's government agrees to toe the line on U.S. policy. And it just
so happens that Venezeula has the largest proven oil reserves in the
world. Maybe there's more to the story here than the sudden interest in
the wellbeing of the people of Venezuela? Tell the U.S. Government: Drop the Sanctions, and Hands Off Venezuela!
How many times will the United States use warfare, whether through
sanctions or stealth fighters, to impose their will on the rest of the
world? Your voice can help ease the suffering of the Venezuelan people.
Thank you,
P.S. The United States should not be punishing the people of Venezuela. End the crushing economic sanctions today!
From UltraViolet:President Trump's heartless, bigoted immigration policies are fueling sexual abuse and rape--and Congress is financing it. A new report just uncovered over 4,500 complaints of sexual abuse of immigrant children in government-funded detention facilities, within just four years.1 Under Trump's policy of "zero-tolerance" for immigrants, 859 complaints were submitted between March 2018 and July 2018--the highest in any five-month span covered by the report. This does not even count several women and teenage girls raped or killed by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents.2 It’s sickening and difficult to imagine having children ripped from your arms and sexually abused. These families are already fleeing unimaginable violence and poverty, only to be further traumatized by our government. Members of Congress have been facing demands to hold ICE and CBP accountable for months, but the increasing reports of abuse may be enough to get them to change this fundamentally abusive and racist system. Immigration rights and progressive leaders like Alexandria Ocasio Cortez have been calling to abolish ICE altogether to push back against Trump's policies of hate and fear. Join them in calling for an end to this violence--tell Congress to defund ICE and CBP for good.
Congress, at the behest of Trump, is planning to give millions of new dollars to ICE and CBP,4 agencies that are responsible for extreme violence against women and children. And Trump wants to squeeze more out of Congress through his schemes to shut the government down and declare a fake "national emergency." We can't let that happen. That's why UltraViolet is joining immigrants rights leaders all over the country to push back against Trump's anti-immigrant hate and force Congress to defund ICE and CBP. Add your name now and tell Congress to defund ICE and the CBP. Thanks for speaking out! -- Shaunna, Kat, Karin, Holly, Kathy, Susan, Anathea, Audine, Emma, Pilar, Natalie, Melody, Pam, Lindsay, Ryan, Sonja, and Noma, the UltraViolet team Sources: 1. Thousands of Immigrant Children Said They Were Sexually Abused in U.S. Detention Centers, Report Says, New York Times, February 27, 2019. 2. 'You Have to Pay With Your Body': The Hidden Nightmare of Sexual Violence on the Border, New York Times, March 3, 2019. 3. Ibid. 4. Border Security, Foreign Aid and a Raise for Federal Workers: What You Need to Know About the Spending Package, New York Times, February 14, 2019. |
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