He's back...
The Revolution Continues would be amiss not to mention that Senator Bernie Sanders has officially announced his candidacy for the office of president of the United States of America. Since we are the original "Bernie Blog" (started a few months before a commercial site stole our name) we do keep an eye on the doings of the independent senator from Vermont.
We've changed our name and transitioned since those exciting early days of following Bernie's campaign to covering the issues that effect everyone--from climate change to health care, from warfare to social justice concerns, from income inequality to student loan debt. Even so, we can't forget our roots. We wish Bernie well in his battle against the forces of darkness, that is, the corporate-owned-and-operated Democratic Party.
(Somewhere out there, blog co-founder Barb McMillan is smiling down on Bernie and his friends from heaven. I wish you could have lived to see him run again, Barb!)
We hope--and expect--to hear more from "Berners" in the near future. Please submit your blog posts via email at thebernieblog2016@gmail.com Remember, this is a workplace friendly blog and not an outlet for character assassination. You have Twitter and Facebook and other social media platforms for those kinds of things. We're looking for progressive insights and ideas that can be shared with human beings both here in the US and around the world.
We hope to hear from you soon. Until then, take care of yourselves and Feel the Bern. Always.
We hope to hear from you soon. Until then, take care of yourselves and Feel the Bern. Always.
A Battle for the Hearts and Minds of Voters
is taking place...
The powers-that-be and the haters of net neutrality have made it even more difficult to access this blog site. If you landed here in one piece, consider yourself fortunate. Do us a favor and share the blog link with others. Better yet, share http://therevolutioncontinues.com with your friends and acquaintances on social media platforms. That URL doesn't seem to be blocked by firewalls--yet. If you have any programming or web site experience and are willing to help The Revolution Continues find a better location on the internet to preach its progressive message, please contact us at the above email. Thank you.
is taking place...
The powers-that-be and the haters of net neutrality have made it even more difficult to access this blog site. If you landed here in one piece, consider yourself fortunate. Do us a favor and share the blog link with others. Better yet, share http://therevolutioncontinues.com with your friends and acquaintances on social media platforms. That URL doesn't seem to be blocked by firewalls--yet. If you have any programming or web site experience and are willing to help The Revolution Continues find a better location on the internet to preach its progressive message, please contact us at the above email. Thank you.
And now it's time to reflect on the toll that activism can take on a person fighting hard for that future to believe in that Bernie Sanders spoke so eloquently about in 2016.
The Battle
by C. A. Matthews
It's Special
Election Day in Toledo. The results of this ballot to determine if the Lake
Erie Bill of Rights has become part of the city charter won't be known for a few
hours yet, so this is why this particular blog post isn't entitled "The
Ballot." It's not the only reason, as you'll soon learn.
The Battle I'm referencing isn't the two year knockdown,
dragged-out struggle to get LEBOR onto the ballot. It's not even a general
reference to how difficult it is to be an activist in this day and age when
most are content to keep their eyes glued to their phone screens and their minds
entertained with state-produced propaganda while filling their bellies with
GMOed junk food. It's related to both of these things, but it's more than
that. Much more.
My friend and
fellow progressive commentator Chris, a.k.a. Vegematic, discusses The Battle openly and honestly in his
recent video:
The Battle is more than just activist burn-out or ennui. It's the battle we as human
beings have with ourselves when we face a crisis in our existence on this plane
and seriously consider the question,
"Is it better for all the causes I hold dear to end it now?" https://youtu.be/uoiJwlun7NY

The Battle isn't something that comes and goes--it is constant
and always lurking beneath the surface of many sunny faces. Too many.
To those who
have been blessed with the ability to always see the bright side of life, The Battle seems a distant fight, one
that they're not particularly eager to enter into with their comrades-in-arms.
"Focus on the task at hand and things will work themselves out,"
they'll lecture, even while knowing that things don't always work out, and
there are potentially lethal consequences for not taking their friends' battles
![]() |
photo by Anthony Curi |
In 2019, the
forces of darkness seem more real to activists than ever before. We can't
afford to let up in our fights against fascism, racism, sexism, ageism,
fill-in-the-blanks-ism. We need all hands on deck and all soldiers on the
We're facing a world war of late-stage capitalism that steals the bread
from the mouth of innocents and allows them to die without remorse. We're facing a sick society bent on preventing health care for millions in the United States of America while dropping bombs on millions more in the Middle East.
We can't just stop the fight right
now with so much at stake to take care of our own walking wounded, can we? But we can and
we must. If we don't, then for what purpose do we labor to build a utopia for
all to grow and thrive in? There will be blessed few to dwell in it.
Please keep
these thoughts in mind the next time you interact with your fellow activists.
Tell them how much you appreciate their efforts. Better yet, show them
how much you appreciate their
efforts. A hug, a kiss, a pat on the back, a dinner and a hot
shower--demonstrate that you are glad they are still here, on this
physical plane of existence, standing with
you. Let them know that you are there for them in the same struggles,
both on
the streets and in the soul.
It takes so
little to be kind, and that kindness can be so beneficial. It can be the seed
that grows and spreads the revolution of rising consciousness… that all human
beings are to be simply loved and cherished, and even now the creation is
anxiously waiting to blossom into the fullness of its purpose.
boxes will always be with us, and those human beings who fight alongside
us to protect our
right to the ballot box should always take precedence over petty
politics. Give each and every one of your comrades in the struggle the recognition and appreciation they deserve
From Friends of the Earth:
The Trump Administration could expose the Grand Canyon area to a massive increase in uranium mining.
this iconic landscape to mining would lead to its destruction. It would
cause devastating water pollution. And it would increase the risk of
cancer and other public health issues for local Indigenous communities.
the help of Friends of the Earth members like you, we’ve protected our
public lands from the greed of the Trump Administration and fossil fuel
industry. We need you with us again.
2012, mining in the area near the Grand Canyon has been prohibited
under a twenty year ban. However, the Trump Administration included
uranium on a list of 35 minerals it considered ‘critical’ for national
security, which could overrule the ban.
water from an abandoned uranium mine on the south rim is already
poisoning a creek deep within the canyon, and another mine on the north
rim, reopened in 2009, is housing more than two million gallons of
contaminated groundwater.
more, recent water tests show that 15 springs and 5 wells within the
Grand Canyon’s watershed contain dissolved uranium concentrations which
exceed the standards for safe drinking water. But now, the Trump
Administration could reverse the temporary 2012 uranium prohibitions.
is time for Congress to step in and stop any giveaway to the mining
industry for the purpose of building more nuclear warheads and propping
up the nuclear energy industry, at the expense of public health and the
environment. We need your help to make the ban on uranium mining near
the Grand Canyon permanent. Can we count on your support?
vision for our environment is clear. He thinks our public lands are
first and foremost meant to be exploited for the benefit of his coal,
oil, and uranium industry friends.
the help of Friends of the Earth members like you, we’ve been leading
the fight to keep fossil fuels in the ground on our public lands for
years. With your support, we helped build a nationwide movement to
preserve these places for future generations.
We can’t let Trump hand over these places to the extractive industry. We need your help to fight back!
Standing with you,
Nicole Ghio,
Senior fossil fuels program manager,
Friends of the Earth
Nicole Ghio,
Senior fossil fuels program manager,
Friends of the Earth
From Credo: We will never give up fighting for net neutrality – and Republicans know it. When Trump's FCC repealed open internet rules, our movement filed lawsuits, pressured Congress and passed state net neutrality laws. Public support for net neutrality has only grown. So instead of trying to beat us, now they want to trick us. Three Republicans in the House of Representatives announced they will be introducing three so-called "net neutrality" bills. These bills would give telecom companies huge loopholes so they can continue discriminatory practices that are bad for consumers.1 Passing them could make it impossible for the FCC to enforce real net neutrality in the future. Fake net neutrality is not net neutrality. But Democrats could easily cave unless we speak up. Our elected officials need to hear that we won't accept anything less than the real open internet rules that Trump's FCC repealed. We need to kill these bills to make room for strong net neutrality legislation that actually protects the open internet for everyone. Tell Congress: Reject fake net neutrality. Click here to sign the petition. These bills aren't real net neutrality.2 Although they would prohibit certain kinds of anti-competitive practices by broadband providers, they won't restore all the rules we need to protect our rights online. 1 As technology keeps changing, we need the FCC to keep up. By narrowing the definition of net neutrality, these bills would prevent the FCC from adapting to open internet issues of the future.3 By declaring that the internet is not a public utility, the bills would also limit the FCC's ability to protect privacy, ensure universal service, enforce truth in billing and guarantee disability access.4 Democrats in the House of Representatives have said they want a bipartisan net neutrality bill, which means they are open to compromising with Republicans.5 But we cannot compromise on the core principles that keep the internet open and free. Now that Democrats control the House, we have a real opportunity to push Congress to pass meaningful net neutrality legislation and direct the FCC to do its job. But if these bills gain momentum, we could lose that opportunity, maybe forever. Tell Congress: Reject fake net neutrality. Click the link below to sign the petition: https://act.credoaction.com/ Thanks for fighting back, Brandy Doyle, Campaign Manager CREDO Action from Working Assets
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