Once again, we're treated to a historical comparison that will shed much light on our current administration's goals and actions. The more things change...?
The Sun King (Louis) vs.
the Tangerine Tyrant (Donald)
By Coast Watcher
Seventeenth century France was an
economic powerhouse. By the early years of the 18th century, it was not so much. The reason isn’t hard to find.
During his long reign, King Louis XIV
of France ruled as an absolute monarch, a man who believed he
answered only to God and whose will was law.
It is legal because I wish it -- Louis XIV
He pursued an aggressive foreign policy
that embroiled all of Europe in wars at one time or another. Quite
often the wars were motivated by Louis’ own personal vendettas and
his love of conquest.
The love of glory certainly takes precedence over all others in my soul -- Louis XIV
He quarreled with the Pope and
persecuted the Huguenots (French Protestants) to the extent many left
the country, taking a wealth of knowledge and expertise with them. He
spent lavish sums of money on his own pursuits, setting a standard of
royal grandeur that earned him the sobriquet The Sun King (le
soleil roi).
When Louis died in 1715, decades of war
against France’s enemies had bled the country dry. The country
had passed from being the most powerful in Europe to an embattled
state surrounded on all sides by hostile or potentially hostile
neighbors. Overseas trade had withered. Warfare had ravaged the
economy. It caused a sharp decrease in the young male population
whose numbers had gone to feed Louis’ voracious demand for army
recruits. In the later part of his reign, a series of bad harvests led
to famine. An anonymous letter written to Louis in 1695 spelled out
one of the most powerful indictments of the king.
The poor on whose shoulders the burden mostly fell were more than ready for change. Inspired by philosophers such as Jean-Jacques Rousseau it would lead 74 years later to the bloody French Revolution that saw the execution, by guillotine, of Louis’ grandson, King Louis XVI.Your people are dying of hunger. All France is one great poorhouse, desolate and unprovided. -- Attributed to Archbishop Fénelon.
Back then, England took over as
the leading power in Europe. With the wealth and overseas territories
acquired in wars against France, and the previously mentioned
knowledge and expertise gained from French Huguenot refugees, England
went on to rule an empire that spanned the world.
Fast forward to the present day: We have a United States that is an
economic powerhouse. Over the last seventy years it has embroiled the
whole world in wars at one time or another. Many of these, along with
their near-cousin, the eponymous regime change, have been
motivated by personal vendettas and love of conquest on the part of
members of the American government. The military budget was a
bloated, obscene $1.6 trillion in 2015.

Trump and his GOP allies claim America
is surrounded by enemies on all sides. To that end, they sustain
existing military campaigns in foreign countries, wars that do
nothing but kill and maim thousands of innocents while generating
unimaginable wealth for the military-industrial complex. If real
enemies exist, and not those that live only in fabricated news
stories, it’s because these never-ending wars have created such
hatred for America.
The regime even hopes to launch new
campaigns in Syria, Iran, North Korea and – God help us all –
China and Russia. Shades of France at the peak of her glory. Much
like then, I suspect when the tide sets against America it will run
strong and fast.

And this man, this President
Trump, has the nerve to say he’ll “Make America Great
Again.” You can almost hear the ghost of King Louis XIV whispering:
“I wanted to make France great!”
[Editor's update: As of 7/17/2017, the number of civilian deaths abroad attributed to American military action passed the 2,000 mark. Trump has killed more people during his short tenure as president than Obama did in eight years.]
[Editor's update: As of 7/17/2017, the number of civilian deaths abroad attributed to American military action passed the 2,000 mark. Trump has killed more people during his short tenure as president than Obama did in eight years.]
Hmm, it sounds delicious, doesn't it? Perfect on a hot summer's day, right? Wonder why Trump supporters don't like custard and orange?
If they took exception to a dessert, what would they make of this Trekkie reference?
Orange Fool? How about this creative bit of name-calling by the Scots... (Warning: Adult language)
Tell your Congressperson to Condemn the FCC and Net Neutrality!
The following are some actions you can take this week to help further the political revolution against tyranny.

Tell your Congressperson to Condemn the FCC and Net Neutrality!
And now a letter and a resolution from a young activist speaking out against the tyranny of the FCC's recent ruling on Net Neutrality. Here's what Eddie has to say about his letter:
nation is in a current state of massive division and hatred toward one another.
As someone who has lived for 16 years, I have seen how the recession has hit
our nation hard, especially in my family with my mother being laid off from
Wells Fargo at the turn of the crisis.
I've seen the resilience and stand people have taken to help protect our
nation after 9/11. I've also seen the
numerous benefits of being in the age of a free web.
someone who uses the internet for work every day as a fire department clerk, a
free and non-obstructed web is something that helps me in my work. At home, I
read and buy, and engage in the benefits of capitalism in many parts of the
online buying scene. As someone who is
an activist, I use the internet to organize marches, push issues and
candidates. I've been able to do this
all this time because of the Title II protections under the Telecommunications
Our Constitution
guarantees people to engage in free will and free expression on whatever
platform it may be.
With the repeal of Title II Protections, with the erroneous course the Federal Communications Commission is taking, we'll very much see the freewill to engage soon gone. Our Internet Service Providers will most likely charge extra to only engage on the things they believe we should engage in. ISPs will be free to block websites if it doesn't fit their views and slow down websites if that domain is not paying enough to be put in a fast lane.
With the repeal of Title II Protections, with the erroneous course the Federal Communications Commission is taking, we'll very much see the freewill to engage soon gone. Our Internet Service Providers will most likely charge extra to only engage on the things they believe we should engage in. ISPs will be free to block websites if it doesn't fit their views and slow down websites if that domain is not paying enough to be put in a fast lane.
believe if you were a reasonable conservative, you would be furious at what
Ajit Pai has done and be ready to put a Joint Resolution disapproving the FCC's
action immediately.
A real
conservative wouldn't let some random people control what people want to do
with their lives online. Since the
people's freedom on the internet is protected by the Constitution since it is
free speech. If the GOP Caucus is for
the Constitution, they would not allow these ridiculous actions to go
Mr. McConnell,
laws passed in the United States Senate affect my life and my nation. I pay taxes
and work to ensure fires are prevented. I demand you fight for net neutrality
and come to your senses about this issue and stop taking money from these
companies that want to kill Title II protections. I am disappointed in how
silent or how anti-Net Neutrality you and your caucus is. When more than 90% of
these United States support Title II protections, it says something on how much
of a hypocrite you and your caucus members are.
The GOP said they were going to support what the people support. You
have done nothing and very often everything
the people are against in favor of your corporate donors. Shame on you senator,
If you
want the people to be on your side, I demand you and Congress disapprove of the
actions of Ajit Pai and what the FCC is doing.
If you are a true servant of the people and believe in the Constitution,
you will submit and pass the joint resolution below.
Do the
right thing and be on the right side of history.
Providing Congressional disapproval for the
actions of the Federal Communications Commission in regard to their planned
removal of the current Title II Protections set in place in 2015 for the
internet under the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
Whereas the Federal Communications
Commission has voted in May 2017 in a very slim, 2-1 vote to begin the process
of repealing protections for the internet, which prohibits Internet Service
Providers from slowing down, blocking, and/or prioritizing fast lanes for
websites who pay extra fees imposed if the Internet's Title II status was
removed from the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
Whereas an open and free internet is
imperative to ensure freedom of speech, guaranteed by the Constitution of the
United States. With the press,
controversial or not, posts to ensure an informed people, may be affected if Internet
Service Providers control traffic and who accesses what websites.
Whereas with public opinion at near 90%
support for Title II protections, it is erroneous that the Federal
Communications Commission is attempting to go against the will of the people by
repealing the Title II Protections provided by the Telecommunications Act of
Whereas Federal Communications
Commission Commissioner, Ajit Pai has deliberately made numerous attempts to
supersede the will of the people of the United States of America. It is time for the Congress to censure the
commissioner for acts against the people.
by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress
Article 1: Disapproving the actions of the Federal
Communications Commission
The Congress of the United States disapproves the
actions committed by the Federal Communications Commission. Which is infringing the rights of the people
by allowing corporate sponsors, lobbyists of the Internet Service Providers to
supersede the will of the people.
With massive outcry from the people demanding the
protection of Title II regulations of the internet. The Federal Communications
Commission, run under the direction of Commissioner of Ajit Pai, is doing a disservice
to the nation by going against the will of the people.
Article 2: Imposing formal censure of FCC
Commissioner, Ajit Pai, for obstructing the will of the nation by attempting to
enact policies which attempts to infringe the Constitution of the United States
The Congress of the United States formally censures
Federal Communications Commission Commissioner, Ajit Pai, for refusing to listen
to the will of the nation, and for deliberately attempting to infringe the
United States Constitution by attempting to censor public outcry due to the
massive amounts of money received by Internet Service Providers to repeal these
regulations, regulations which protect the people's access to the World Wide
The following are some actions you can take this week to help further the political revolution against tyranny.
From the Move to Amend:
Have you ever attended a gathering that changed your life in wonderful and enlightening ways?
The moment you arrived, you thought, "Where have I been all my life?" You find yourself surrounded by your ideological brothers and sisters. A place where you just fit in, are safe, and can share your thoughts and ideas with others interested in hearing them, and where you can learn and hear from others. This place exists!
Come to Minneapolis, August 2 - 6, for the Democracy Convention!
Our endeavors can be compared to the American Revolutionaries who wrestled this nation from King George and his colonial corporate overseers. While the Declaration of Independence made the case for human rights and stirred the colonists to take action, the Second Constitutional Convention delivered up a property rights document, which still governs us today.
Register for the Democratizing the Constitution Conference at the Democracy Convention in Minneapolis, August 2 - 6!
Not all the original framers were oligarchs. Thomas Paine wrote:
"When it can be said by any country in
the world, my poor are happy, neither ignorance nor distress is to be
found among them, my jails are empty of prisoners, my streets of
beggars, the aged are not in want, the taxes are not oppressive, the
rational world is my friend because I am the friend of happiness. When
these things can be said, then may that country boast its constitution
and government. Independence is my happiness, the world is my country
and my religion is to do good."
The American Revolutionaries are long dead, but their DNA still courses through the body politic.

What needs to be done, can't be done, if we don't come together in solidarity with oppressed communities and across issue silos, to check-in with each other, commune with each other, learn from each other, and plan for the future with each other... That time is now!
Come to Minneapolis, August 2 - 6, for the Democracy Convention!
George Mason, another of the framers, wrote:
"Our All is at Stake, and the little
Conveniencys and Comforts of Life, when set in Competition with our
Liberty, ought to be rejected not with Reluctance but with Pleasure."
The Democracy Convention is extremely affordable. It isn’t fancy or
luxury laden. It is focused on achieving real and transformative
democracy from the grassroots up. This is exactly the arena in which Move to Amend should have a big presence, and the price is right!The Democrcy Convention is coming up quickly. Spaces are still available. Please register today!
While Disney's drunken pirate Jack Sparrow is no role model for democracy movement organizers, the quote below rings incredibly true when it comes to the upcoming Democracy Convention, August 2 - 6, in Minneapolis:
"If you were waiting for the opportune moment, that was it."
Please don't miss it! Register here.See you there,
Laura Bonham, Daniel Lee, Leila Roberts, George Friday, Jerome Scott, Kaitlin Sopoci-Belknap
National Leadership Team
P.S. If you absolutely can't find a way to attend the Democracy Convention, please contribute so others can attend in your place.
From Public Citizen:Next week, the Trump administration is expected to release its detailed list of objectives for renegotiating the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).
These are essentially the starting bid for what the administration hopes to achieve in NAFTA renegotiation.
Will they be the high-standard objectives we desperately need to fix the disastrous deal?
Or will they give even more power to multinational corporations at the expense of our jobs, wages and environment?
Stand by. We’ll send an analysis of the new negotiating objectives as soon as they’re released next week.
In the meantime, take advantage of this last chance to influence the administration’s NAFTA negotiating objectives before they become final.
Sign the petition telling Trump’s top trade negotiator to replace NAFTA with a deal that actually benefits working people in all three NAFTA countries, not just multinational corporations.
Add your name now.
Thanks for all you do.
In solidarity,
Melanie Foley
Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch
I think 45 has delusions of grandeur. He certainly doesn't care about the ordinary people. His attitude over the recent failure of the GOP to deprive millions of Americans of healthcare shows that. "We'll repeal the ACA and replace it later (but later never comes)."
ReplyDeleteYou got that right. I don't think Mr. Trump cares a gnat's eyelash for anyone who isn't a good-looking Slavic supermodel type (his brides). He used the ordinary people perfectly--lied through his teeth and made them think he was honest and had their best interests at heart (instead of the 1%'s). A lot are waking up now and the honeymoon is over. Perhaps we'll see our political revolution yet.