Capitalists are no more capable of self-sacrifice than a man is capable of lifting himself up by his own bootstraps. - Lenin
Impossible Bootstraps
by A. J. Matthews
The prolific 19th-century American
author Horatio Alger Jr., perhaps more than anyone else, promulgated
the idea of people "picking themselves up by their bootstraps" to
achieve success in life.
His many juvenile novels were about impoverished boys and their rise from humble backgrounds to lives of middle-class security and comfort through hard work, determination, courage, and honesty. His writings were characterized by the "rags-to-riches" narrative, which had a formative effect on America during the Gilded Age. Source: Wikipedia.
The bootstraps motif has resonated with
Americans ever since, embodying the ideals of self-reliance and hard
work. It's no coincidence in this New Gilded Age that Republicans and
other exponents of the American Dream would have us believe we can
achieve anything without help or assistance from anyone.
Pick yourself up by your
bootstraps? You keep using that phrase. I do not think it
means what you think it means.
In fact, it denotes the act of trying
to perform an impossibility.
Pull yourself up by your bootstraps:To succeed through hard work. Before zippers made getting into tall boots less of a chore, such footwear had leather attachments by which the wearer would pull them on. (Western boots and some English riding dress boots still have them.) Trying to raise yourself off the ground by pulling on your bootstraps sounds impossible . . . and it is (don't try it—you'll throw out your back). Therefore to pull yourself up by your bootstraps is to achieve your goals through as much hard work as levitating yourself would take. Source: The Free Dictionary

As for hard work, people in this
country are working two or three jobs and sometimes more in order to
keep a roof over their heads and put food on the table. They struggle
to maintain a car (essential where there is no public transport) and to pay for their kids' college fees. All
the while, they rely on services paid for by themselves and other
taxpayers – and heaven help the average American if they have to
pay medical bills outside of the Affordable Care Act. In fact, the
quality of life for the average American has declined sharply over
the past forty years. Yet the rich not only decry a minimum wage
of $15 an hour, they would have us believe socialist-style anything
is bad and should be taken away for our own good, let alone expanded.
The rich decry the idea of giving poor
people any kind of payment, be it cash from Social Security or
vouchers, to help them survive. The rich display a viciousness toward
the poor that borders on the psychotic, and they encourage the middle
class and other poor people to mimic their attitude.
So, what does happen if you give the
poor social help in the form of money? They spend it because they
have no choice but to do so in order to survive. Oddly enough, in
spite of what the Republicans and their ilk would have us believe,
the poor do not immediately hit their local drug dealer for a fix.
They spend it on ordinary things like food, rent/mortgages and all
the other necessities in life. The money keeps in the economy and it
circulates. Give money to the rich in the form of tax breaks and
subsidies, and they send the money off for a nice vacation in the
tax havens of the Cayman Islands, Switzerland or, more recently, the Republic of Ireland...
That's not to decry the value of hard
work, but the work must be rewarded. No person should labor forty
or more hours a week and still be living in poverty.
Bernie Sanders favors increasing the
national minimum wage to $15 per hour. He favors expanding health
coverage to everybody that wants it. He favors a massive program of
improvements to the public infrastructure such as bridges and
highways – many of which have become dangerously decrepit. Such
programs will lead to millions of new jobs and an increased cash flow
in the economy. People will be given the means to work and be
supported by society when necessary.
Bernie Sanders supports free college tuition at public universities. How will this be paid for? By a small
tax – and I mean small at .1% – on Wall Street trading, and there are other areas where the money can be found. BernieSanders doesn't want to begin yet another ruinous war in the Middle
East which will see the sons and daughters of America sent to die or
be maimed on some distant battlefield. The extortionate cost of these
senseless wars will be curbed and eventually stopped, and the
trillions of dollars which would otherwise be spent on more munitions
and armaments will be used where it belongs – in America, for the
American people.
Bio: A. J. Matthews is a multi-published novelist who sees great things happening with Bernie Sanders in the White House. He asks you to speak up and share your thoughts with your friends and family, as well as with The Bernie Blog.
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