Who will be Ohio's next governor ?
It's up to you !
only could Constance Gadell-Newton be Ohio’s first female ever elected
as Governor in the State of Ohio, she and Lt. Gubernatorial candidate,
Dr. Brett Joseph could be the first Green Party candidates to win.
Constance Gadell-Newton is a Criminal Defense Attorney, “ad litem”, Green Party co-chair from 2016-2017 and social justice activist. Dr. Brett Joseph is a multi-talented social systems design consultant, attorney and environmental educator.
At a time when the people, planet and peace deteriorate while corporate
profits soar, the grassroots Green Party has flourished due to their
progressive platform for government of, for and by the people, accepting
zero money from corporations, thereby owing nothing to corporate
interests in return. Proof democracy still lives!
reference to “peace” in this case, is not world-wide peace, but peace
obtained by the repair of many issues on the rise in our State that tear
the fabric of our communities and our families apart. The list
is long and multifaceted. To name a few, we have the Opioid Crisis,
Healthcare, Education, State Prison and Law Enforcement Issues,
Environmental issues, Income and racial disparity, Jobs, Homelessness,
Veteran affairs, Transportation, Energy, Infrastructure and a State
Government that serves the people’s needs over corporate interests.
As most are well aware, our media is owned and operated by a handful of wealthy conglomerates. What
“news” we are privileged to see on mass media is biased depending on
the political direction of ownership. When we read our newspapers, watch
local news and look up information on candidates, we find the only ones
“media” considers news-worthy to be either Democrats or Republicans,
two parties who “pay to play”.
Debates including Green Party Candidates are hard to come by, as Green Party members must fight to have an equal footing. Without
the flow of corporate cash, relying only on donations from people,
these two historic candidates must stand strong against the goliath
duopoly who are hand fed with corporate dollars and own both the Red and
Some folks are still blindly unaware of the legislative power of corporate entities over those of the people in Ohio.
One of the largest, American Legislative Exchange Council (A.L.E.C.)
have private meetings with some of our legislators, where our officials
are handed corporate designed legislation, ready to pass in exchange for
political funding. Certain government agencies developed to serve the
rights of people have been funded or partially funded by corporations in
order to undermine their true obligations.
have an opportunity to bring change this November by electing a
Governor and Lt. Governor who will work for the people, for their
communities without obliging themselves to “corporate sponsorship”.
A “People’s Party”, the Green Party sees the need for change as
opportunity for both community and systemic growth. Our issues are more
than stand alone issues, they are integrated and the Green Party is
uniquely qualified to see the big picture and work for change in a
holistic manner. There are answers to these complex issues where
creativity flourishes and the will of the people is kept front and
As a people, we saw what happens when we vote by fear or by choosing the lesser evil. We
cry out for a revolution, yet will we let fear cripple us by sticking
to the status quo when we have a chance for change? Someone said, “When
you always do what you always did, you always get what you always got”.
We have a chance for a revolutionary change in Ohio and nothing
to lose by voting “fearlessly”. Choose democracy over lesser evil.
Choose based on your dreams rather than nightmares. Please send this
email to everyone you know ! Send a Green wave across all of the social
networks ! get the word out and Vote Green.

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