A Shout Out for LISA!
by A.J. Matthews
The people who need solar power most are those least likely to be able to afford it - at the moment. The Low Income Solar Act (LISA) will be good for the environment, good for the economy, good for creating and sustaining new jobs, and will be far cheaper than yet another war for oil. Why kill thousands of people in pursuit of oil? Why dig up 200 million-year-old sunlight when we can have the fresh stuff every day? Why continue to pollute the air with carbon emissions?
With the Low Income Solar Act, this puts affordable solar power within reach of ordinary people. This will save money, help the world, and save the Earth for future generations.
Bio: A.J. Matthews is a multi-published novelist who sees great things happening with Bernie Sanders in the White House. He asks you to speak up and share your thoughts with your friends and family, as well as with The Bernie Blog.
Thanks, A.J., for sharing your thoughts with us. Please feel free to submit your blog posting to our email (located on the how to submit page and the sidebar).
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Great blog, AJ! I like how Bernie is taking a leadership position on green energy like solar. A clean, green happier tomorrow for all people--not just the billionaires. :)