Tuesday, March 18, 2025

The Best Conspiracy Theory Ever (Isn’t One)


The Best Conspiracy Theory Ever (Isn’t One)

by C.A. Matthews

I’m as sick as a dog (sorry canines) and trying hard to put out a post this week that makes coherent sense. Please forgive me if it gets ranty or if it ends abruptly.

Now, where was I? Oh, yes, I was going to point out that all this craziness that Trump, Vance and Musk (The Three Muskrateers?) are putting out there for public consumption is nothing new. Really, it’s been done before by different a-holes with different names utilizing different industries, lobbyists, foreign entities, and government agencies.

Remember the subprime mortgage fiasco of 2008? The “too big to fail” banks were bailed out by the US government. They bailed out the billionaires but not the ordinary folks, and many families lost their homes. If your brain has blocked out that unpleasantness, I apologize for bringing it back into your consciousness, but it’s necessary.

In other words, most of this DOGE-ing nastiness of Musk’s is predictable in its unpredictability...


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This article is the 511th blog posting of The Revolution Continues. We began in June 2015, and we're still going strong. Please keep reading, sharing, and subscribing to help TRC continue for another ten years.

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Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Sleight of Hand


Sleight of Hand

by C.A. Matthews

Sleight of Hand (from the Merriam-Webster Dictionary online)

1a : a cleverly executed trick or deception b : a conjuring trick requiring manual dexterity 2 a : skill and dexterity in conjuring tricks b : adroitness in deception

Synonyms: legerdemain, fakery, front, scam, swindle, cheating, duplicity, chicanery, fraud, subterfuge, trickery, hoax, feint, dupery, skulduggery

I’m always amazed how easily adult human beings are taken in by the masters of sleight of hand. I don’t mean just professional magicians and jugglers, either. I mean some seem to believe every word that comes out of Donald Trump’s mouth while simultaneously insisting they detest the man because he’s a big fat liar.

Now, that’s some Grade A legerdemain on Trump’s part! He not only fools his own followers and devotees, he fools his avowed enemies as well.

But why would anyone believe a person they claim to be a liar in the first place? Why get upset over toddler-like antics such as shouting matches and name-calling? And perhaps the biggest question, why do they spend so much time and energy whining about the antics of a big fat liar?

Could it be...could it really be so simple? Are Trump and company simply acting like magicians practicing sleight of hand tricks? His job for our true rulers (the billionaires/oligarchs) of our corrupt capitalist system is to keep us distracted from what’s really going on? You got to admit it, Trump does have the perfect qualifications for the job of Distractor-in-Chief.

First off, he’s a failed businessman who makes used car salespersons look good. Secondly, he was the “star” of a TV reality show for several years, so he actually knows how to follow a script and improvise from a prompt. (You do realize that reality TV shows are all scripted, don’t you? I’ve met people who think everything they watch on TV reflects reality. Those who can think for themselves and practice critical thinking skills know how far from the truth that is.)

So, here you have Trump in his role as Distractor-in-Chief recently getting into a televised knockdown, drag out fight with Mr. Zelensky. All of a sudden people are crying and wringing their hands over how “rude and obnoxious” Donald Trump was to that “brave, honorable man” Volodymyr Zelensky.

Remember: Everything on television is not real—and neither is Mr. Zelensky...


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This article is the 510th blog posting of The Revolution Continues. We began in June 2015, and we're still going strong. Please keep reading, sharing, and subscribing to help TRC continue for another ten years.

You can make a donation at https://paypal.me/camatthews or at Buy Me a Coffee or at Ko-fi. Every little bit helps since this is my only source of income. Thank you.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

We Won’t Get Fooled Again


We Won’t Get Fooled Again

by C.A. Matthews

There’s always a little light at the end of a long, dark tunnel. Perhaps this is it.

I’ve actually seen ordinary persons making remarks online (and in-person) in very ordinary, non-political spaces that state they’re not buying into the status quo’s narrative spin anymore. They actually express opinions that the two biggest political parties in the US are (gasp!) just two factions of the same party. They see no real difference between them, nothing that really matters to the health and safety of ordinary people in the long run. Both the “Red and Blue Teams” take plentiful money from billionaires, billionaires who don’t give a damn about how they’re ruining the lives of the ordinary people worldwide.

Whenever I hear folks express these kinds of views, I want to cry tears of joy!

The people are at last catching on to what I’ve been writing about for almost a decade now. They’re finally getting it that the members of the US duopoly are not their friends. They understand how billionaires aren’t working for them and that they actually have had their labor stolen. They’re actually realizing that they’ve been had all along. They’re not buying into the propagandists’ lies any longer.

They’re saying, to paraphrase the 1971 classic rock anthem by The Who, “We won’t get fooled again.”

Now, that is a ray of hope in these dark days...


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This article is the 509th blog posting of The Revolution Continues. We began in June 2015, and we're still going strong. Please keep reading, sharing, and subscribing to help TRC continue for another ten years.

You can make a donation at https://paypal.me/camatthews or at Buy Me a Coffee or at Ko-fi. Every little bit helps since this is my only source of income. Thank you.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Economic Blackout—Just Use It!



Economic Blackout—Just Use It!

by C.A. Matthews

There’s something everyone can do this week to make the world a better place that’s as simple as doing absolutely nothing.

I’m not kidding. It’s that easy. Everyone can stop spending money all at the same time. Withholding our money even for twenty-four hours can make a strong point to the powers that be.

How do we coordinate such an action? Here’s how: There’s a planned “economic blackout” scheduled for this Friday, February 28, that you can join. (See meme for details.)

“But...but…” I hear some of the whiners objecting to the sheer simplicity of everyone not supporting Amazon, Walmart, Target and the like for a day. “Surely we must do something big and difficult to catch the oligarchs/billionaires’ attention, to let them know that we don’t care for what Mr. Musk is doing, that we want them to stop spending our tax dollars on wars and genocide. How can depriving mega-corporations of a few sales for one day get our message across?”

You’d be surprised how sales being cut back by even a few percentage points can catch a capitalist’s eye and make them worry...


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In Memory…

Protest comes in many forms. Rest In Power, Aaron Bushnell!

February 25, 2024

This article is the 508th blog posting of The Revolution Continues. We began in June 2015, and we're still going strong. Please keep reading, sharing, and subscribing to help TRC continue for another ten years.

You can make a donation at https://paypal.me/camatthews or at Buy Me a Coffee or at Ko-fi. Every little bit helps since this is my only source of income. Thank you.


Tuesday, February 18, 2025

“Make Capitalism Hated Again” This Year’s Fashion


“Make Capitalism Hated Again” This Year’s Fashion

by C. A. Matthews

I’ve always been confused and dismayed by how some people can seemingly change their tunes and start acting like sociopaths with ease. Their newly acquired opinions don’t seem to conflict with their innate sense of right and wrong. I must have missed the class on how to stop acting like a decent human being at the drop of a hat. Without this ability, I stick out like a sore thumb in society without even trying.

Some people have simply stop talking to me because I said and/or did something that wasn’t quite in fashion. Whatever it was it must have made them feel uncomfortable, so uncomfortable that they had to dismiss me out of hand. It took some time, but I eventually figured out what it was that made some folks uneasy around me.

Nobody wants to be reminded that they have a conscience.

Nobody wants to hear that other human beings have rights and should be respected as equals. It’s so much easier to label others “human animals” or “serfs” or “illegals” and use and abuse them as you like. It’s no wonder these fashionable folks without a conscience stopped talking to me.

But I won’t apologize for making others feel uncomfortable about genocide, racism, and discrimination. I refuse to condone sociopathic actions of any kind. To quote Lillian Hellman: “I cannot and will not cut my conscience to fit this year’s fashions.”

Will these budding tyrants ever apologize for making me feel like a freak whenever I stand up for the rights of others? Probably not. I don’t expect them to, frankly. They’ve made their bed with war criminals, and they’ll lie in it until the next political fad comes along.

You might be asking yourself at this point, “Where does all this talk about having a conscience fit in with what’s currently happening in the US and the world?” My answer: “How about everything?” Here are some recent headlines to make my point... 

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This article is the 507th blog posting of The Revolution Continues. We began in June 2015, and we're still going strong. Please keep reading, sharing, and subscribing to help TRC continue for another ten years.

You can make a donation at https://paypal.me/camatthews or at Buy Me a Coffee or at Ko-fi. Every little bit helps since this is my only source of income. Thank you.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Pursuing Political Defiance


Pursuing Political Defiance

by C.A. Matthews

Political Defiance is nonviolent struggle (protest, noncooperation, and intervention) applied defiantly and actively for political purposes… “Defiance” denotes a deliberate challenge to authority by disobedience, allowing room for submission. “Political defiance” describes the environment in which the action is employed (political) as well as the objective (political power). The term is used principally to describe actions by populations to regain from dictatorships control over governmental institutions by relentlessly attacking their sources of power and deliberately using strategic planning and operations to do so… Political defiance, nonviolent resistance and nonviolent struggle [can be] used interchangeably… the later two terms generally refer to struggles with a broader range of objectives. --From Dictatorship to Democracy by Gene Sharp (The New Press www.thenewpress.com)

It’s time for Americans to be defiant. It’s time to stop cooperating. It’s time to nonviolently resist all the crap that is being thrown at us.

First off, let’s talk about how to become a conscientious objector. It might become a necessary option for American males between 18 – 26 years of age. It’s best to be prepared with your reasons for not wanting to be conscripted into the army in case a draft is reinstated.

If you’re not sure you want to exempt yourself from military service, ask yourself the following: Do I want to risk my life fighting to increase the profits of the CEOs of the oil companies and the military-industrial complex? Do I wish to become complicit in the ethnic cleansing/genocide of Palestinians by forcefully removing them from Gaza and the West Bank? Do I long to round up asylum-seekers at the border and force them back into possibly deadly situations in the countries they have fled from? Would I be willing to hunt down, capture, kill or imprison my fellow citizens who don’t agree with the current regime’s methods or policies?

If you answered no to any of the questions, watch the following short video: https://youtu.be/wLoUu_YIV3s?si=mcGuAkA5lHIn0-6Y

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This article is the 506th blog posting of The Revolution Continues. We began in June 2015, and we're still going strong. Please keep reading, sharing, and subscribing to help TRC continue for another ten years.

You can make a donation at https://paypal.me/camatthews or at Buy Me a Coffee or at Ko-fi. Every little bit helps since this is my only source of income. Thank you.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

They Did It Again (And Again...)


They Did It Again (And Again...)

by C.A. Matthews


Example 1: Christmas in February

The postmark read December 19, 2024. We received the Christmas card this past week. In previous years we received mail from my husband’s cousin in less than a month’s time. What was so different this time?

Two Christmas letters that I’d mailed out the first week of December came back “return to sender” a little over week ago. Is there some new rule that says that these letters must sit in bag somewhere inside a post office for almost two months before being returned to the sender?

What gives with the US postal service? If you’re blaming Trump for the lousy mail service, you’re only half right. Sure, Trump appointed Louis DeJoy as Postmaster General during his first term, but I mailed these letters (and others in the past four years which have been delayed and lost) during the Biden administration. Who served as Postmaster General under Biden?

You guessed it—it was Louis DeJoy and it still is.

If Louis DeJoy was installed by Trump to wreck the USPS so Congress would be tempted to shut it down and turn it into a private mail delivery corporation instead of a public one, then why did Biden never attempt to appoint another Postmaster General? I’ve received tons of emails these past four years from various organizations saying we should all write our Congress members as well as President Biden pleading to work toward changing the USPS board so it could offer a replacement for DeJoy.

The thing is, DeJoy knows exactly what he’s doing. He’s doing as our real rulers want him to do. And Biden didn’t want to upset the rulers, so DeJoy remained in office.

DeJoy’s bosses are not the president and Congress. His bosses are the oligarchs (or billionaires) who control everything because they essentially own everything—up to and including the presidency...


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This article is the 505th blog posting of The Revolution Continues. We began in June 2015, and we're still going strong. Please keep reading, sharing, and subscribing to help TRC continue for another ten years.

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